Can you believe how quick the weeks go back- crazy!!! Pretty soon it will be August. I wish the summer would stay for a bit longer but I will take what I could get.
Please note next week, I will not be having my Saturday Top Five Laughs as I will be attending Blogher13. However, they will resume the week after as usual:) As always, link up any cute or funny post. Feel free to take my button, and/or share on social media, although this is not necessary at all, just appreciated. Also feel free to check out the other people who link up as they all provide a good laugh!
5. I asked Zane this week what was in the sky. He responded, “Airplane, clouds, sun, and trees.” Of course Zane, there is trees in the sky,lol!
4. Zane is so crazy verbal these days. However, a lot of times what he says does not necessarily make sense. For example he said yesterday, “Mommy..I go to sleep on the TV.” Not really sure how well that would work out ZZ!
3. My kids are crazy good sleepers. Hayley came into my room last Sunday morning at 10 Am and asked me when we will be starting the day. Yes, I said 10 AM!
2. This weekend we are going to Story Land in NH and I will be putting the kids to sleep in the same room. I am scared but most nights, I hear them talking about their days back and forth between their rooms anyway. Zane will always shout from his room, “Night Night Hayley.” So cute!
1. Someone asked Hayley what her mom does for a living. She responded she gives shots to help people. Well, I guess you can say that is somewhat what a dentist does:)
Now your laughs:
I love the picture of your two sweetie pies! So cute! #5- Smart boy! #3- I wish I could get mine to sleep past 7:30! Yipes! #1- Ha ha! I think she might be a little confused?!?! Tyler tells people that his daddy pushes dirt for a living. Too cute! Have a great time at Blogher!
Lol, I love the last one about how you give shots to people! What a crack up! My kids haven’t really said anything funny this week, just a lot of funny faces. Lol.
I love the new photo! Toddlers and their talking are just too hilarious! Take lots of instagram pics at Blogher! Next year…I’ll be your roommate again! Have a great time in NH!
You are so lucky! Until recently my kids were rock stars at sleeping in too! Now, wake-up is starting to creep a bit earlier… Enjoy every minute of glorious sleep 🙂 And have a blast at Blogher13! We’ll miss you next weekend 🙂
Absolutely. Perfect. Picture! I love it. They look so happy and are just beautiful! I am SO jealous that your daughter sleeps until 10! Can you give me any advice?
wow they look like twins !:) she is so gonna be a little model !
Your kids are beautiful ~ that is a gorgeous picture!! Stunning. Thanks for the smiles and chuckles. I love when “Kids say the darndest things!”
Wow! I always thought my kids were good sleepers but sleeping til 10am? Tellm e they keep you up until midnight or I’ll be crazy jealous.
That picture is to DIE for. They are soo cute! Their personalities crack me up. They are such smart adorable kids! xoxo
That picture is amazing. They are adorable!
i love that zane wanted to sleep on the tv. ohmygoodness, melissa, hayley and zane are getting so big! they are gorgeous! and looking more and more alike!
thank you so much for your sweet thoughts and prayers!
i have loved following you on IG – and am so glad you had an amazing weekend! you are beautiful!