I was thinking about not doing this blog hop this weekend because I have been devasted by the storm. I grew up on the Jersey shore, so to see it demolished, makes me so incredibly upset. We fared well in RI with only losing power for 29 hours. However, my mom who is in Central NJ is estimated to lose power the next 10-14 days. My prayers are with everyone who is impacted by this storm! Many prayers!
Anyway, to talk about happier things- this is the Saturday top five laugh blog hop. Please link up any cute, funny, or top five blog post. As always, feel free to take my button or share on social media, although this is not necessary.
My top five laugh:
5. Zane was a lobster for Halloween. Everyone asked him who he was and Hayley says, “ He is Sebastian from Ariel-lol” Good try Hayls- that is a crab!
4. We were without power for around 30 hours. Hayley is deathly afraid of candles so we gave her, her own special flashlight. She walked around the house telling us that she has a magical, mystical light.
3. It was so incredibly windy this past week. Hayley kept asking me what the noise was and I told her it was the wind. She then told me I was being silly- wind doesn’t make noise like that. Usually not Hayley.. Usually not!
2. I am afraid of my big trees in my backyard and spent all of night day one worrying that it will fall down onto our house. Greg found me upstairs on day two with a glass of wine by my nightstand and me out like a light around 9 pm. I told him to dull my fears, I drank one- okay three- glasses of wine and it worked. Helped ease my anxiety,lol.
1. I accidently set Hayley’s alarm clock for 3AM last night. I have no idea why-pure accident. She then proceeded to come in my room half asleep at 3AM and told me good morning mommy. I was all sorts of confused!
Now your laughs:
Haha! Haley would try to turn Zane into a character from a princess movie! I’m glad that your power wasn’t out too long,
The wine sounds like something I would do! At least you got some sleep!! I’m sorry this has been such a rough week. I do love the Halloween photos of the kids!! Poor Hayley waking up at 3 am – I can’t believe you have to set an alarm for her, I wish my kids would sleep in!!
Confusing things are 100x more confusing at 3AM! I’m glad you all pulled through – 30 hours is a long time. We’re still praying for all of you!!
Thanks for hosting,
Hayley is such a character! Glad you are able to find funny and positive things this week. Sorry you were affected by the storm. 🙁
I am so glad all is well in your neck of the woods! What a scary storm.
Glad you’re lightening the mood though. These are awesome and you’ll be glad you documenting all the little funny moments like this. So funny that you set her clock for 3 am and she just gets up without a second thought and says good morning! Love it.
Omygoodness, too funny that Greg found you sleeping with wine next to you…that’s awesome you were able to fall asleep without dealing with the scary storm. I’m so sorry you lost power, and really sorry to hear that your mom will be without it for so long…that’s horrible. I hope it comes back sooner than later!!
The last one made me crack up – I can just imagine how confused you must have been!!
Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend! Xoxoxox
Oh gosh, getting up at 3am! Did she want to stay up and watch cartoons?
Hehehe that is funny about the 3am wake up lol, maybe you set the alarm after the 3rd glass of wine lol
I thought Zane was a lobster when I saw the pics, how cute!!
Hilarious!!! I can just see my daughter ready to get up at 3 am. Good thing she can’t get out of her crib yet!
Oh! Glad all is well and the power is back on!!! Praying for everyone that had to deal with this storm! That is just horrible about your mother!
So glad you guys got power again!
magical mystical light too cute! at-least the wine helped you sleep 😉
Your funnies are so cute! I love them all this week. #1 must have been quite the shock! 🙂
Melissa, you’re awesome! I snorted over the wine to help soothe the fear of the trees. That was so me! I’m sorry to hear about your mom and glad you didn’t fare worse, though 30 hours sans power with the kiddos is hard stuff too. And gah! about that 3am wake-up! Hope you guys got back to sleep 🙂
I think you needed some wine and sleep 🙂 All that worrying wears out a Mama 🙂
Great laughs, Hayls is too cute with her mystical light!
LOVE the lobster costume!! And Haley sounds like an absolute riot right now!!
Lots of thoughts heading your way– hopefully your mom’s electricity comes on soon. I can’t imagine.
Love the story about Sebastian from Ariel. Too cute.
GAH. Glad I’m not the only one who worried to death about trees this week. :/
Growing up, we had a big pecan tree over our house and every time it stormed I feared it would fall on the house. Maybe a glass or 2 of wine would have helped 😉
Loster, crab, it is all the same…a red shellfished creature, I love the halloween pictures, yours included! I am glad your family has recovered from the storm and things are almost back to normal.