This is a partnered post with American Girl and American Girl Bitty Baby. I adore this brand, and my opinions are my own.
My kids are totally obsessed with American Girl. Hayley received her first American Girl Bitty Baby when she was Taylor’s age and now Taylor has started her very own collection with her own American Girl Bitty Baby. You should have heard her screams when she opened this epic American Girl box during the holidays! She was so excited!
If you are not familiar with the American Girl Bitty Baby, they are born from the ideas of child-development experts. These babies inspire precious first steps into learning, loving play, and imagination. The American Girl Bitty Baby comes in six feature designs. You can also purchase furniture and clothing to go along with your Bitty Baby (not included with the baby).
The American Girl Bitty Baby is so true to life, it is uncanny. I think that is what girls, Taylor’s age, loves best about it. They feel like they are actually taking care of their own human being, even though it is in doll form. Every single night Tay goes to sleep with her Bitty Baby and it is the first thing she hugs in the morning. It is so truly so cute!
While her sister now has a collection of 8 American Girls, Taylor can now play with them, with her own American Girl. This is the perfect starting baby for children 3-7 years old. Once they get older, they can transition to the ‘regular’ American Girls and start adding to their collections. If you are looking for a starting baby, there is no greater brand for this than American Girl.
Be sure to check out American Girl today and sign up for their emails, to get updated news and to find out the latest and greatest.
My oldest likes Luciana, my youngest loves Wellie Wishers and bitty baby
My niece would love the Bitty Baby. These are cute!
Luciana is my favorite because she resembles my little granddaughter so much.
My granddaughters have the Wellie Wishers and a few of the other American Girl dolls. They just love them.
I like Kit
I really love the Maryellen Larkin™ Doll!
I love the Woodland Animal Vet Set.
Tenney is my daughter’s favorite!
I am a fan of the Wellie Wishers but my daughter would adore Luciana because she loves space. My daughter Violet is 5 so I’m not sure if we’re ready for Luciana, but maybe someday.
Nanea Mitchell looks just like my grandaughter,she would love any of them though
Love them all! Ha! But Luciana might be a favorite doll.
I really like the Welly Wisher dolls. the Bitty baby would be great for my younger nieces.
Love the doll Logan.
I love the Bitty Baby doll number 3. I love the reddish hair.
My favorite American Girl Doll is Tenney!
We like Julie ,the dolls are beautiful
I like the American Girl doll my girls have out grown the bitty baby!
I like the Welly Wisher dolls.
I like the bitty baby #5, the skin color, everything just looks so real. Its just slightly different than the others
My daughter loves Maryellen Larkin!
the American Doll Tenney my little niece would love
My two year old likes Bitty Baby #3
My daughter and I love American Girl. We really want to bring home the Bitty Baby with red hair and hazel eyes. My daughter just loves Bitty Baby. I love all the fun accessories you can get for your Baby too. My daughter also has the diaper bag on her wishlist.
I so love the cute Welly Wisher dolls.
I like the Willa doll the best
I am sure my youngest niece would love Bitty Baby Girl #5 so darling! I adore the Willa doll too so stinking cute!
My favorite American Girl Doll is Tenney!
I am partial to the Truly Me dolls
My favorite American Girl Doll is Tenney Grant.
My daughter keeps asking for Tenney
I love Bitty Baby doll #5, so adorable!
We like Camille
My granddaughter likes Luciana – but wishes she had red hair like hers
Rebecca has always been one of my favorite girls. My grandmother bought me all of her books when I was younger. I have really enjoyed sharing her and all of the other girls with my own daughter now.
Luciana Vega is my favorite. There was an old one, Samantha that was also a favorite.
Luciana Is our favorite doll!
I like the Wellie Wishers. My nieces each have one.
I like the Wellie Wisher dolls. The Bitty baby would be great for my nieces..
Luciana is our favorite doll.
Nanea is my favorite! shes is amazing
My daughter would love bitty baby doll #3, so sweet
My granddaughter would have so much fun with Luciana or a bitty baby
I really like Tenney!
Love the WellieWishers Willa Doll!
The Welli Wishers dolls 🙂
Rebecca Rubin™ doll is one of my favorites
I really like Z Yang.
I like Nanea Mitchell.
My granddaughters love them all! The ones they get that looks like them is their favorites. Thanks!
I think my daughter would like this bitty baby
I like Z.
I like the Emerson Doll.
I really lime Luciana Vega.
I like Tenney!
I was a Samantha girl growing up but I LOVE the story for Luciana and hope my daughter would emulate to her!
I like Tenney the best.
I really like Luciana™ Doll & Book. Thanks 😉
My favorite is Bitty Baby Doll #3 with the Playful Floral Sleeper. 🙂 My youngest daughter would absolutely love her!
Luciana is my favorite doll.
As a woman in a STEM field, I love Luciana! More role models for our girls, please!
I like the WellieWishers Willa doll because that is my daughters name.
I like Bitty Baby Doll #3
2 out of 3 nieces would love the The American Girl Bitty Baby
I like the selection of the Truly Me dolls
love the Maryellen Larkin™ Doll
Bitty baby doll #3
I like the Willa doll.
I love Luciana!
My oldest has a bitty baby, Samantha, and Mary Ellen, all of whom we love. But my youngest has yet to get her own American Girl doll. She’d love a bitty baby!
Luciana for my niece
I like the Samantha Parkington doll.
I like the Kaya doll!
I like the Willa Doll
can’t choose a favorite, they are all great!
Maryellen Larkin, looks most like my granddaughter.
My favorite is MaryEllen, but my granddaughter loves Julie and Bitty Baby!
My niece would like kaya doll
I like the one of a kind doll. She can be made any way you want.
Tenney is my granddaughter’s favorite.
I really like samantha. She was the first american girl doll I had as a child, so she holds a special place for me.
Samantha will always be my favorite American Girl doll. Of the current dolls I like Luciana.
I like Rebecca.
I love bitty baby #3!! So cute and looks incredibly real 🙂 would love to give it to a loved one.
I like Bitty Baby Doll #6 because of the red hair. 🙂
My favorite is the Wellie Wishers Willa doll!
It’s definitely hard to choose just one favorite. But if I have to my favorite is the welliewisher Ashlyn Doll.
I like the Willa Doll.
I think bitty baby #3 because it looks incredibly real .
I really like the Truly Me™ Doll #59. My granddaughter would love any of them though! They are all so inspiring, especially to little girls.
I would love to win the bitty baby doll. My niece will soon be 3 years old, so I think she would really love that doll.
I really like the WellieWishers – Ashlyn doll. Thanks.
I really like bitty baby doll 6 for my daughter
I like the Logan doll. Would love to add this to our daughter’s collection.
Thanks for the chance
I love the Truly Me doll!
I like Tenney the best
My favorite is Willa™ Doll! She’s adorable.
my daughter loves any doll, she is such a little care taker
my kids would love any doll.. they love playing dress up and make believe
My daughter would like any doll, maybe Bitty baby #6 since it looks most like her.
I like the TRULY ME Doll. She’s cute!
I love Luciana she is beautiful and my niece would love her
I love the truly me dolls, only ones out there to get that look just like YOU!
I would love to get the Bitty Baby Doll #2 for my Granddaughter.
I love the Bitty Baby #6.
Rather than a doll or baby specifically, I really love the WellieWishers!
I love the new Luciana doll because she is very unique!!
Luciana is my favorite. My neice who is 10 loves her.
I think I like the Truly Me™ Doll #25 the best because it looks more like my daughter than the others. She has the Wellie Wishers Emerson doll. That’s one of her favorites so far.
I like Bitty Baby #4 , for my granddaughter. , I love the dark hair and eyes.
My niece loves the Tenney Grant doll. Thanks for the giveaway!
Ρrticipe dߋ melhor trеinamento de vendas doo Brasiⅼ.
I like the Tenney Grant Doll
My Girls are AG obsessed! They have Tenney, Nanai, and Felicity on their lists right now. I know my 3 year old would love a Bitty to care for before her new sister gets here.
I like the Bitty Babies, they are so cute! Thanks for the giveaway!
I think the new Luciana looks so cute!
I like the Bitty Baby Doll #3. I didn’t know that they made baby dolls, I am really excited about this! My toddler would love one!
Kit is my daughter’s favorite!
My granddaughter would love the Willa™ Doll. They have so many to choose from.
We love the welly wishers dolls.
Bitty baby #2 is my favorite, my daughter would love it.
The doll I love best is the Tenney™ Doll & Book
I most like Luciana!
My daughter loves her Elizabeth Doll even though they do not make her anymore. She likes any of the ones with blonde hair as she tells me they “look like her”.
MY favorite is the Bitty Baby Doll #3. and there are so many to choose from can i just all of them 😉
I like Luciana, such a change from when I was a kid and no dolls look like me
The newest doll, Luciana, is so neat. I love the STEM tie in.
We love Bitty Baby #4!
I like the bitty baby #3!
My granddaughter would love the Bitty Baby.
My favorite American Doll has always been Felicity! But I love this Bitty Doll as well. My Daughters would love playing with any American Girl Doll as they already love reading the books! (or having them read to them!)
My Daughter would love the Truly Me Doll #69 adorable ❤
I love phoebe.
We love the Ashlyn Doll
I like Luciana. My nice would love this Doll!
Mary ellen
When I was little I loved Samantha, but now my favorite is Maryellen. She has her own Airstream Travel Trailer <3
i love luciana but my dauhter likes tenney!
My granddaughter loves the Willa™ Doll
My 9 year old has 4 ag dolls but this would be perfect for my 2 year old to start her collection with thank you for sharing your thoughts and for the opportunity
I liked Tenney
I like the Truly Me doll. There are so many possibilities to make the doll as much like the girl as possible.
Luciana is my favorite!
Luciana would be myt choice for my granddaughter.
My granddaughter loves the Itty bitty baby doll #3.
I think my granddaughter would like a blonde bitty baby the most.
I like Bitty Baby doll 3.
I think the Mariellen doll is super cute! I fondly remember my American Girl doll.
I think Ashlyn is adorable, she’s my fav.
I like the Emerson doll the most!
Maryellen is the doll I like because she likes the beach and water like my granddaughter.
We love the bitty babies!
the bitty babies
I really love the Logan doll but I want them to make a girl drummer too now.
My granddaughter would love bitty baby #3
The Bitty Baby # 2 🙂
Bitty Baby #3. Thanks.
My daughter wants bitty baby
I like the Willa doll.
I love the Tenney doll
I like Luciana and her space ship. Love how she promotes stem for girls and is perfect for my older girl. My little girls love the teeny babies
Love the Ashlyn American Doll the BEST
I love Bitty Baby #2 — looks like my girls!
I like Luciana.
Thanks for the contest.
The Bitty Babies are such a great idea! My all-time favorite American Girl doll, though, is Julie Albright…from 1974!
I really like the Paradise Palms Swimsuit for Bitty Baby® Dolls
I’m not too familiar with American Girl, but the Bitty Baby is cute.
Kit has always been my favorite! I love her little clothes.
my daughter would love bitty baby. she loves dolls.
Luciana in the Space Suit is my favorite. Supporting women in scientific roles at a young age should be more important. More smarts, less unicorns.
Tenney Grant is adorable and I love the fact that she is passionate about music !
My favorite is Kaya. She’s so pretty.
I like the customization one, that way I can have it look like my daughter.
I really like the historical dolls and Kit is probably my favorite.
Luciana is my favorite doll.
Ashlyn is my favorite.
Maryellen or Luciana are my favorites. Addy was my favorite since I was a kid. So hard to pick one favorite, sorry!
Bitty Baby Doll #3 is my favorite. I would love to give her to my granddaughter.
We love the WellieWishers line!
My favorite’s Luciana Vega.
My oldest loves Luciana and has devoured the books. My little one loves looking at all the dolls but bitty babies are a favorite
i love Bitty Baby doll #3. I think it will look like my granddaughter when she is born!
I love “Wellie Wishers – Willa” doll. She has a love for animals and wears a shirt with a hedgehog print and shirt with various animal face. Love her long strawberry blonde hair.
Willa and Camille have the cutest little outfits though I do also love the newest doll Luciana as well. My daughter would thinks theyre all great!
I love the Truly Me doll! How stinkin cute is that!!!
I love the Luciana Vega doll!!!
We like the Bitty Baby Doll #6.
I like the Tenney doll.
Emerson is adorable!
I absolutely LOVE Tenney Grant the most. She so reminds me of my music loving 9 yr old that wants to be a singer when she grows up.
I like Luciana
I like Melody Ellison
I think the Luciana doll is absolutely adorable.
I like MaryEllen. And a whole lot more…
I like the Gabriela doll. It is very cute.
Love them both- Big fans of both, thank you 🙂
Bitty baby #2wiukd be cute for my baby!
My favorite is the Tenney Grant doll.
My daughter would like Willa.
I love the Bitty Baby #6. Thanks
My daughter has been loving Tenley! Thanks so much for the chances to win for her.
I like the Samantha Parkington doll
I like Willa the best. She reminds me of my granddaughter. 🙂
Mary Ellen or make her own
I prefer Bitty Baby Doll #5
Since my grand daughter has curly hair I believe she could relate more with Truly Me
I really like Truly Me.
i really like the Bitty Baby Doll #6
Would love to get my daughter lucinda dall
I think Bitty Baby #3 is my favorite. It looks almost like a real baby. Thanks!
I love the truly me dolls!
My favorite is the Luciana Vega doll.
Gabriella is our favorite!
Bitty baby #3
My son likes the bitty baby doll collection
Going to get a Truly Me doll in a few weeks!