I am a Hershey Park Ambassador. All my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.
A few months ago I received very EXCITING news. I am officially a Hershey Park ambassador which means I will be bringing you all the latest and greatest about Hershey Park and more! It also means we will be having giveaways so keep reading…
In preparation for my first visit early July (lots of social coming for that one), please take a look at my Why You Need to Visit Hershey in the Winter Months and Why We Love the Hershey Lodge.
As part of the Sweetest Moms ambassadorship, I will be bringing you the best tips about visiting Hershey this summer and will update you all with events and new attractions going on around the park! STAY TUNED..
So let’s get this party started with a 4 ticket giveaway to Hershey Park!
GIVEAWAY: One winner will receive a 4 pack to Hershey Park. This giveaway is run via rafflecopter so click read more to see the actual post. The only mandatory entry is to tell me why you want to win in the comment section proceeding the post. While the other entries are optional, I highly suggest filling them out to increase your chances of winning. US ONLY!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I would LOVE to win these tickets because although we live in PA, my kids have NEVER been to Hershey! Fingers crossed!!
just love the place thats why..
We love Hershey park!! We went 3 years ago and would love to visit again!!
Were going in June and this would be so helpful to win!
I would love to win to take my fabulous family on a chocolatey summer adventure!
I’d love to win because my husband has always wanted to go and this would be a great excuse to go!
We would love to win because my kids love amusement parks and they are daredevils. We also love to travel around as much as possible !
We love hershey! Haven’t taken my girls there yet.
I have never been!
I would love to win, because we would love to visit zoo America and the water park today!
I want to win because last year my oldest daughter wanted to go but we moved and our trip had to be postponed until a later unknown date!
I would love to win because I visit Hershey often, however I have never been to the park!
i remember going there with my parents when i was about 6. i have always told my kids that someday we will go there. i remember the smell of the chocolate!
I would love to win because my husband his never been. It would be super fun! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
It’s been over five years since we have been there. I’d love to be able to take all of the family.
We have never been to hersey park and I think the kids would love it. I am a chocoholic and prefer Hersey chocolate to the fancier chocolates on the market.
We live a few hours away from Hershey park. i have never been there and have alway wanted to go.A few friends of mine went this past weekend and shared some photos on facebook,and now it makes me wanna go even more now
I want to win because my family loves Hershey Park. It’s our favorite amusement park.
We moved here to PA a little more than 3 years ago. We’ve been to Hershey once, and had a ball! I’d love to take the kids back there again now that they’re a bit older!
Although we want to, we’ve never been to Hershey Park!
I would love to take my family!! It would give us something to do in the summer!!
Road trip to Hershey only about 6 hours away and there is so much to do there!
I,would love to win so my family and,I could experience Hershey Park this summer!
We live about two hours away and we would LOVE to make a family trip out there!
I would love to win because we live in PA and it would make a great day trip!
My daughter’s favorite place to go is Hershey Park. We go almost every year. She has already been talking about it for this summer but I told her we probably couldn’t because her brother is military and he lives on the other side of the states and we needed to go there this summer so we wouldn’t have the money for Hershey. She was heartbroken because we usually get a hotel room and stay overnight for her birthday and go to the park for 2 days. This would be such a great bday surprise for her this year.
I want to go and smell the chocolate! Please.
I would love to visit Hershey Park with my family.
I’d love to win to be able to bring my husband and sons to Hershey Park. This would be so much fun. Thanks so much.
Thank you for the opportunity. My son has never been to Hershey Park. I love the park’s kettle corn
I took my son and nieces to Hershey Park 8 years ago and they had such a great time. I would love to take my daughter there.
Would love to win! We went to hershey park a couple years ago and had a blast!
We have been talking about going to Hershey Park on our next big vacation!
We aren’t too far from the park and have always wanted to go but haven’t, for whatever reason! This would motivate me to get there!
I would love to win just to be able to show my kids a really good time. I have 5 kids so getaways are kinda hard but I remember Hershey from my childhood and would love the chance to experience it with my own kids
I would love to win to be able to take my kids to their first amusement park
I would love to win because we LOVE HersheyPark!!!!!
I would like to win because my daughter loves to go to Hershey park and it is very close to my in-laws so we can visit them at the same time.
Would LOVE to win this as I or my kids have never been.
I would love to take my fiance and her 4 year old daughter who is the sweetest thing. We are at that point in our realtionship where we are starting to bond and this would be a great escape to do that.
My family loves Hershey!! I plan on going back to PA this summer to see my Aunt and Uncle and this would be fun to do together!
We love Hershey and it’s halfway between our Virginia family and us, and we would love the opportunity to meet up with them there this summer!
I want to win because my husband and I plan to take our daughters this summer. We have heard great things and PA is not that far a trip. Fingers crossed!
It has been MANY years since we’ve been to Hershey and Liam’s never been. I would love to go!!
I would love to take my kids back to Hershey! I think this is their favorite place to visit!
My husband and I were just talking about Hershey Park the other day. He hasn’t been there in over 25 years. I would love to win these for him.
Hershey PA looks like an awesome place to visit! I’d love to take my kids there.
It’s been 6 years since we’ve been to Hershey Park! We are overdue for a trip there. Winning the tickets would make the 11 hour car drive worthwhile! Thank you for this nice giveaway!
I would love to win this because we have never been to Hersey Park yet.
I have always wanted to go to Hersheys Park ever since i could remember, I would love to be able to
bring my two oldest grandchildren.
My dtr has never been there and she would love it! their chocolate is awesome too!
I have always wanted to go when I was a kid. ow that I have kids I would LOVE to share the experience!
I would love to win these tickets because I have never been and I’d love to be able to take my grandchildren. Thank you!
I’d love to win and take my 6 year old because he’s never been there and I think he’d love it!
We only live like an hour and a half away and it would be such a great road trip and lots of fun if we won this prize. Hershey is one of our favorite parks and so close.
We would love to go to Hershey Park! We have been to Hershey’s Chocolate World, but my kids have never been to Hershey Park. We would LOVE to win these tickets!!!
because this is the first time that all three of my kids will be home this summer and i’d love to take them!
We’ve been considering making a trip out there this summer and winning passes would definitely be a deciding factor!!
because my kids love hersheys!
I want to win because this is my 6xs great grandfathers land—direct ancestry line. His gravestones are at the front of the property nicely preserved by the Hershey Park. I really really wanna go so badly!!!! I live in Texas, this would be a great trip for us!!
I would love to take my grandkids.
Would love to win! I live about 45 minutes away and there are 4 of us! Thanks for the chance to win and how awesome to be an ambassador for Hershey!
My husband has been here but me and my kids haven’t. We really want to go!
My family wants to go because we LOVE Hershey Park! And now that my son is 6 1/2 he wants to get on the Super Dooper Looper just like his big sister and get his “I survived the Super Dooper Looper” shirt just like his big sister got…and just like I got when I went with my dad when I was 6!! 🙂
I have family that lives in the area around Hershey Park. I want to win because it would be nice to visit them and enjoy a day at Hershey Park.
because i love their rides!
I would love to wn because we have never been to the park. Sounds like a great time
I would like to win because I would love to take my children to Hershey Park. I remember how much I enjoyed Hershey Park as a child and would love to provide my children with the same experience.
If absolutely love to bring my boys. Sweetinsahmnity at gmail
my fiancé has always loved all things hershey. this would be a great way to celebrate his finishing his medical fellowship this summer and officially starting his career!
Hershey Park looks amazing!
I would love to win these tickets because I’ve been wanting to take my two boys to Hershey Park for awhile now, but haven’t yet made it!
because my kids love hersheys!
I want to win because my boyfriend & I live in PA and always wanted to go to Hershey Park! We would be able to bring our nephew and niece! I think this would be an awesome summer trip.. we aren’t doing much this summer so this would be perfect. Love Hershey and love amusement parks! -Emily Ann Benzing
I would love to win because we only live a few hours away and for a family of 5 it can be expensive to purchase tickets and this would help bunches
I would love to win! My FI and I would take his niece and nephew. We’ve all been to Hershey Park before but never together, and amusement parks are always better with kids!
My 2 boys have always wanted to go, it’s been on our family bucket list
I would love to win so my son could have some good memories in hershey! We have spent tons of time at the hospital and drs and i know he would love to get to visit the park!
I havn’t been since I was like 6 years old! I’m 26 now so I think it’d be so cool to visit again <3
I grew up in Williamsport, PA and loved visiting Hershey Park as a kid. It was one of the most fun places on Earth in my memory. It has been years since I have been there, and I would love nothing more than to take my children there this summer. They have never been, and it would be so much fun since we don’t have any big summer plans& it’s less than a 4 hour trip from where I live now. Thanks for the chance!!
I love going to amusement parks, but have never been to this one!
I pass by Hershey all the time when I visit my daughter and I would love to take her, her husband and her sister there for a day of fun! We really need it!
I would love to win because we go to Hershey Park every year but it’s expensive so winning tickets would be a huge help!! Thanks for the chance!!
We love Hershey but haven’t been there in a long time
I want to win because i want to ride rides with my nephew
I’m planning to go back to PA soon to visit my family and this would be a cool outing to spend time with them.
4 tickets means I only have to buy two since we are a family of six
i would love to go to hershey’s again because my kids love it and we’ll be able to see all three of my kids this summer! They’re normally traveling or working but this year, we’re going to have a lot more time with them!
I want to win because my family enjoys going to Hershey park, going on the rides, and buying chocolate.
I would love to win these. I am going to be going on a road trip in July with my husband to Hershey PA. It would be awesome to win these. I am so excited to go.
My family loves going to Hershey Park in the summer. Our youngest had not been and I would love to take him.
I have heard so much about Hershey Park. If I could go I would take my granddaughters on an awesome trip!
They would absolutely love it! Thanks for the opportunity.
because i love hershey parks
I have lived in NJ all my life and never made it out to Hershey! My daughter and I were just talking about how we really wanted to go!
I would love to win this for my family because we need a little fun in our lives. Free tickets would really help supplement the cost of a nice little adventure for the day.
because i’ve been wanting to go there
Haven’t been there since the kids were small and would love to go again for a day trip
I would love to be able to win this so that I could take my grandkids out for a day of fun and them all to be together
I would love to go with my kids for my 50th!!!!!!!!!!!!
We would love to win the tickets because our little guy who will be 6 on sept 11th LOVES Hershey park . He has asked to go 2 days (which means spending the night). We usually just drive back home afterwards. If we would win 4 tickets that means we would only have to buy 2 vs 6 and would help tremendously !! Our little man has several health issues which means we see sevreal doctors ,have had several MRI’s, and tons of blood work. This would be an AWSOME surprise and getaway 🙂
My best friend lives in DC. We have been talking about meeting there with my kids. This would be awesome.
We love Hershey Park…we haven’t been in years!
I haven’t been there since I have been a kid and would be great to visit again.
I would love to win because I have never visited Hershey Park and who doesn’t love chocolates and amusement parks?
I would love to take my nieces this year since everyone is tall enough for all the big kid rides
We have never been, looks like a fun trip
We’d love to win because the kids have been wanting to go visit Hershey!
I want to win these tickets because I’ve never been there personally. But I’m sure my 4 kids and ourselves would love to go and have this great experience. Thanks for the opportunity.
I want to win because my dad and brother haven’t been to Hershey before and they’d love it! Also this is my last summer at home and it would be nice to have a family vacation.
I really want to win so we can take our kids there for summer vacation!! We would have ablast there enjoying Hershey and the entire area!! would be a blessing to win!
I want to win because my family loves Hershey Park. The kids always ask to go back.
I want to win because I have never been to Hershey Park before and is very excited about going.
I want to win because my husband and I have been talking about taking the kids there this summer. I went once when I was young and had a great time!
LOVE Hershey Park. Camped at their camp ground last summer & had a wonderful time. So much to see & do !!
Would love to go back !
Me and my girlfriend have been talking about going to Hershey Park of two years but funds have been low. If I was ale to win these tickets this would be a incredible weekend vacation.
weve never been there and it would make a great family trip this summer!
Although we do not live terribly far from Hershey, PA, I have never been. I would love to bring my family to visit.
I have been to Great Adventure and Dorney Park, but not Hersey Park. It is on my bucket list.
I would love to win because we only live 1.5 hours away and my younger brother who is autistic LOVES this park. We haven’t been able to go the last few years and would love to go back!
I grew up ( & out) on Hershey products!
I want to win this because I have a trip to PA planned for August and I’s love to take my family.
I have always wanted to go to Hershey’s Park for the fun (and chocolate!)
I used to go to Hersheypark a lot when I lived in Maryland. I would love to win these tickets, so I could take my kids to enjoy Hersheypark.
Been meaning to go with my family to Hershey park since we all love chocolate and amusement park rides! Thanks for the chance!
We haven’t been since our kids were little. My high-schoolers would still love this. Bring back the sweet memories! Hershey is a fantastic family getaway!
We have never taken a family vacation! This would be an awesome vacation!!
I live in Pittsburgh (born and raised) and have never been to Hershey! i’d love to go.
I want to win because I’ve never been and have heard great things about Hershey’s Park! Oh and I also love road trips!
I want to win because we just moved to Ohio. This would be an amazing family vacation!
I would love to win because we are currently planning our summer vacation and my son has been wanting to go to Hershey Park for a few years now!
Would love to make this a road trip with friends!
a day of fun! … but the chocolate would be for the rest of the family, none for me
I would love to win since I have three kiddo’s, no summer vacation plans, and we have never been to Hershey Park before! We only live a few hours away, and my kids having been dying to go, but for one reason or another, we have never been! They are the perfect age this Summer and would be thrilled to go!
We love Hershey Park! My kids always have a blast there!
I want to win because I have never been! And I love a good roller coaster!
we want to drive to Hershey PA this summer with our 2 kids. Trying to work out the budgeting and boy would this lift a huge burden. What an awesome and timely giveaway. Thank you so much!
I havent been to Hershey in YEARs
I want to win this for my family. This would be a great day trip. The kids would have a blast.
We’ve never been, and my kids are getting older. It would be nice to take them before its too late.
This would be an awesome trip to take with my kids.
We love Hershey Park it is a great family friendly park we go almost every year would be nice to go for free!
This would be a great excuse to travel spontaneously!
would love to win for my nieces and nephews
I want to win because my husband and I have not been on a vacation in over 3 years. Our anniversary is coming up and Hershey Park isn’t too far of a drive from us in NY!
I haven’t been there since my son was 2. He is now 12!
I haven’t been to this park in forever. I would love to go!
I would love to win because I grew up going to Hershey with my large family of aunts and uncles and cousins. Such great memories of a ridiculously exciting, fun, and clean park and i want my daughter to know that excitement!
I’d love to win so I can take my nephew.
I have always wanted to go to Hershey Park! I would bring my two grandsons!!!
i have never been to hershey Park and have always wanted to. It looks so fun!
We are planning our vacation to visit Washington D.C. and Hershey Park looks pretty close by. We haven’t ever been to Hershey Park even PA , so the kids would love it! Thank you for this great chance!
I would love to win this because we have never been to Hersey Park yet. And I love chocolate =)
I would love to win these tickets because my kids have never been but I am unable to afford the ticket prices to take them this summer.
I want to win because this looks very fun!
Love to win to have some great family fun at Hershey park with my family, I cherish that memories!
So fun! How did you become a Hershey Park Ambassador?