As I mentioned in my last post and vlog, we have been using GoodNites Bed Mats for a few weeks now. If you are not familiar with the GoodNites Bed Mats, they are disposable mats that are put on a sheet to prevent the bed sheets and mattresses from getting wet. They have a super absorbent core and a protective leakage barrier to prevent accidents from getting the rest of the bed wet.
Hayley has been fully potty trained for about a year and a half now. These GoodNites Bed Mats are not used to help potty train a child, but rather help with a condition called Nocturnal enuresis, which is bedwetting. Bedwetting involves the involuntary urination while asleep after the age at which bladder control usually occurs. While Hayley is fully trained, she still has some nights when she has accidents. She is a very heavy sleeper so it is hard for her to wake up to use the bathroom. I know she will outgrow this condition, but in the meantime it is hard on both her and I when she has an accident. It is definitely not an every night occurrence with her, but when it happens and she does have an accident, she is quite embarrassed and I feel really bad for her.
We use the GoodNites Bed Mats over her sheets and in the morning, I can simply remove the Bed Mat if it is wet, or leave it on for the next night sleep. I am happy to report that she had one small accident over the last month, and the Bed Mat absorbed it all. It was not a big accident at all, but I simply took the Bed Mat, threw it out, and put a new one on. There was absolutely no sheets to be washed. It was so very easy to use and allowed me to not have to do any laundry!
GoodNites Bed Mats has been awarded the 2013 Product of the Year in the Children’s Products category by Product of the Year USA, an award celebrating innovation and consumer confidence. I can easily see why it would win the Product of the Year! For parents with kids who have problems with bedwetting, it is a product that allows our kids to not be embarrassed when they have an accident and their sheets are soaking wet. With the Bed Mats, all that will get wet is the disposable mat itself- that is it!
Hayley also loves that they are super soft. She basically does not know they are on her sheet unless I tell her. It never causes any problem with unexpectedly coming off at night. Once it is on, it is hard for a child to pull it off but easy for a parent with a little force to get off. The absorbent strips help the mat keep in place all night long.
If you have a child who has problems with bedwetting at night, I highly suggest you purchase the GoodNites Bed Mats. Please be sure to check out the GoodNites website to learn more about the Bed Mat, as well as educational information, and receive a $2.00 off GoodNites Bed Mats coupon too!
*I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of GoodNites. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
Great review!! While we’re not anywhere near this stage yet, I think these mats may also be great for the overnight diaper leaks we sometimes experience here!
Wonderful review. My 9 grandkids are now beyond this stage, but I have #10 due soon, so Goodnites are good to know. Thanks for sharing.
I really enjoyed this review. Although my kids are past this stage, I will definitely tell all my friends about Goodnites!
Thanks for sharing this review. I wish that I knew about these when I first starting potty training my girls!
I’m so glad these are out now. I still have one more child to go through this phase. And I will definitely be using these! I wish I had them when my boys went through this phase. It would have made it so much easier.
We have been lucky the boy were easy to potty train and (knock on wood) no bedwetting. However, these would be awesome for my niece who often has accidents when we do sleepovers. This would alleviate the embarrassment of changing all the bedding.
I have never heard of those. That is a great idea. I need something for my middle child. He is completely potty trained except he wets his bed in his sleep.
Thankfully we never had this issue with our boys (*knock on wood) But I bet my mom would have loved these with my brother, he had a very hard time wetting his bed when he was little.
I bought these for potty training, even though that’s not their main purpose. I love that they’re so soft. So far my son hasn’t wet his bed. But it’s nice to know that if he does the sheets won’t get soaked.
I know they’re not suppose to be for kids who are potty training but I really think I want to get some for my son. He doesn’t have accidents during the day and sleeps in a pull up at night, most of the time he wakes up dry but sometimes he leaks through the pull up and this would be perfect to protect the bed!
Thanks for the review and the coupon! My nephew id fully potty trained but every now and then will have a nightly accident. I’m definitely going to recommend these (and your review) to my sister!
Wow I never knew how common bedwetting was. Good to know these products are available if it ever happens to our family!
I love these! They saved us!
I’ll probably be getting some of these soon as we are potty training now which will eventually lead to nighttime training. Yikes!