Most people know what a wonderful company Halo is. Both of my children wore the Halo SleepSack till they were 6 months. Well, I bet you didn't know that Halo came out with a fantastic sleepwear line for kids ranging in size from newborn-4T. What is so good about this new sleepwear line vs. a generic line? Well, in my opinion, everything! The new line keeps baby's … [Read more...]
Halloween fun – My Little Smurfette!
Hayley's obsession with Smurfs starting approximately two months ago when we took her to see The Smurf Movie. She was enthralled with the movie and asked me immediately if we can paint her face blue. We obviously couldn't resort to cosmetically altering her face to the color blue, however, we could go on an endless shopping spree to buy anything related to the … [Read more...]
Teething Stinks! Come Enter to Win an Amber Teething Necklace!
I was so excited when amber artisans ( asked me to review their baltic amber teething necklace. Not only am I a dentist whose patients can benefit from this necklace but I also have a teething 6 month old terror in my house.Can you relate? The constant drooling, the nawing on their hands, the constant crying, the … [Read more...]
Lovable Labels for Kids Review and Giveaway
Children lose stuff, it is a fact of life! When children go to school, camps, or childcare, they misplace their belongings and come home without them. It is bound to happen. I wasn't suprised at all whenHayley entered school and I saw a sign that said, "Label everything". Great, I thought! I am going to have to put permanent marker on her clothes and on her cups. … [Read more...]
Viva Vitamins Angels and 20 Dollar Whole Foods Gift Card Giveaway
FACT: ONE THIRD OF ALL CHILDHOOD DEATHS ARE CAUSED BY UNDER NUTRITIONFACT: 190 MILLION CHILDREN SUFFER FROM VITAMIN A DEFICIENCIES WORLDWIDESometimes, I take advantage of the fact that my children can have three meals a day. If they want a nutricious snack, it is easily at our disposal. I am privileged that I can afford vitamins with all the added nutrients to … [Read more...]
A Giveaway and Review of Howard B. Wigglebottom Children Books
I was lucky enough to receive two Howard B. Wigglebottom books: "Learns About Mud and Rainbows" and "Learn to Listen" to review. I will be giving away one of these books to one lucky reader. … [Read more...]
I started actively blogging recently and have gotten to more than 140 followers on my blog in a little less than three weeks. As an appreciation of this, I am offering a makeup giveaway (see below for all the products given). Retail value is $100 dollars for the makeup, and I will ship to you for free.ABOUT SHARA and HER GIVEAWAY TO MY READERS:Shara Strand, … [Read more...]