Unfortunately getting sick is an inevitable event in every child’s life. Kids get sick all the time and while we feel horrible when it happens, the most important thing is to be prepared. In our medicine cabinet, we always keep the latest medicines as well as a good, and reliable, forehead thermometer.
Zoe+Ruth sent me an incredible 5 in 1 Ear Infrared + Forehead Thermometer and it has been a lifesaver for us. While the traditional way of taking temperature under the tongue might be good for my older kids, it is not so good for Tay Tay. We never get an accurate reading doing this but with the Zoe+Ruth smart thermometer, we are simply able to shoot at her forehead and we get her reading in no time at all. No kid wants to stand around waiting for the number to show up and with Zoe+Ruth, you do not have to! I love this thermometer so much and especially the forehead thermometer features.
Smart Thermometer:
It is called a 5 in 1 thermometer since it can take 5 different types of temperature reading. First is the traditional ear temperature option but it has a built in technology to take separate measurements of forehead readings for adults and children. It also features a Room Mode to ensure the perfect sleeping conditions for your child and an Object Mode which allows you to test your babies bathwater, bottled milk, food, etc.

To purchase and find out more about the Zoe+Ruth 5 in 1 thermometer, check them out on their Amazon listing and website. This thermometer has been a lifesaver!
Being able to take body temperature via the forehead is my favorite feature.
I can’t believe this hasn’t been invented before. What great features my favorite is the ability to be able to check the bath water.
My fave feature is the 5 Functions in 1 unit – Adult Forehead (12+) | Child Forehead | Ear (From 3 month) | Room | Object
I like the feature • Instant Read – Fast 1-Second Reading. That is wonderful.
Use at your Home, Work, Clinics, Schools, Hospitals or Day care
I love the forehead temp feature, especially with wiggly kids!
Fever Alert System.
the one second fast measurement is the best! Who has time to wait on a thermometer any more? I sure don’t.
I like that it also has an Adult Forehead Fever Temperature feature.
I love taking the temperature at the forehead feature
We use these types of thermometers at work and they are so easy to use rather than the oral ones which take too much time.
I love that it has a 5 Functions in 1 unit – Adult Forehead (12+) | Child Forehead | Ear (From 3 month!
I like the color fever alert feature the best.
I like the idea of taking my son’s temp on his forehead. I can’t even imagine trying to stick anything in his ear.
This thermometer has so many great features! I think my favorite is how it can be used as both forehead and ear, for the most accurate reading. I also love that it has memory and can be used on adults as well. This is perfect for families!
I like the ability to take and adult’s temp or a kids.
Thanks for the chance
The one second fast measurement for sure! That is a great feature.
I just love this! It is great to take a forehead temperature.
I would say object temperature, that is amazing!
I like that I can also use it to check the room temperature
The fact that it can check the temperatures of things besides humans is amazing!
your kids so cute.
I love that is so easy to take the temperature by just touching your forehead. Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway opportunity.
The fever alert system.
My favorite feature is the forehead temperature.
I like the fact that you can take a child’s temp while they are sleeping!
I like the audio & visual fever warning!
the forehead read
I like how fast it reads.
Object and Room mode I find so helpful to me.
I really love that it’s forehead thermometer and less likely to spread any germs.
I love that it can take so many different kinds of temperatures. Ear, forehead, house, objects, that’s pretty cool features…
I visited the Flappy Suits Kids Halloween Costumes post. The costume are pretty neat.
I like the Large 4 Multi-Color Screen – Fever Alert System with Backlit LCD the best.
I visited your STARRY QUICHE RECIPE USING KIDDOZ! Sounds yummy!
My favorite feature is how fast it is, nobody likes having their temperature taken, the faster the better.
I love the mute function!
It recalls the last 40 body temperatures taken.
My favorite feature is that it has a mute function. No waking sleeping babies!
I like that you can test objects like milk.
I have a forehead thermometer but it sucks, it always read her at about 80 when there is no way she’s that low. This one not only seems more accurate, but has WAY more features!
The one second temperature.
I like the 40 memory recall.
I like the color fever alert the best
I love how simple it is to take the child’s temperature from their forehead.
My favorite feature is the mute and unmute mode.
My favorite feature is the audio & visual fever warning.
Fever Alert!
MY favorite feature of this thermometer is the non-contact infa-red!
Love how its a quick response just place on forhead and large screen to read results
i like the 40 memory recalls
Visited https://www.the-mommyhood-chronicles.com/2019/10/kiddoz/
I love that has Professional Clinical Accuracy
I like the forehead readings for adults and children.
I love the Audio & Visual Fever Warning!
I like that it can be used on the forehead or in the ear.
The Adult Forehead Fever Temperature feature is what i need too.
I like that it is an instant read. I hate the thermometer we have now. My kids won’t keep it in their mouth.
Favorite feature is dual sites to take a temp: forehead and ear.
I visited the wine fridge post on 10/31/2019
I love the one second measurement! Kids don’t want to be fiddled with when they don’t feel well, and this is so quick and easy they won’t even mind! Thank you for the chance!
I like all the settings you get to set it to what you need. I like that it does both kids and adults.
Favorite feature is is works for children and adults
The multiple ways to read temperatures.
For all of the reasons.
My favorite feature is that it has the 5 Functions in 1 feature; adult forehead, child forehead, ear temperature, room temp, and object temperature. It’s neat that it can tell you the temperature on all of those things. I also like that it has replaceable batteries. That’s a big plus.
I love how quickly it gives results!
I love that they aren’t internal. It’s terrible keeping those kind clean.
My favorite feature is that you can also use it on adult and children’s foreheads. The 40 memory recall feature is very useful as well.
It can be used for a variety of things
Checking temps on turkey scrotum is an oft-overlooked use.
The 5 in 1 features. Visited holiday survival guide post.
My favorite feature is the 4 color fever alert system.
I like that it can take the temperature of other things as well, including bottles.
I love that this reads temperature in 1 second!
My boys prefer their temperature taken rectally. But hey, teenagers are weird sometimes!
I like their can be used in the forehead of both adults and kids.
i like it that you can do this on the forehead
I like the Fever Alert System.
my favorite feature is that its 5 in 1 modes .