*I am a Leapfrog ambassador. I received the LeapTV and all my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources. *
Last year, I received the LeapTV and wrote all about it. I am going to take bits and pieces of that post and then tell how we are liking this gaming system a year later. I hope you enjoy the post and keep reading because I am giving one of my readers their very own LeapTV!!!
If you are unfamiliar with the LeapTV, it is a gaming system that incorporate all of the apps and video fun of their other Leapfrog products, but now it is on the big screen. During the past year, I told you all about the Epic and other great handheld systems. Now imagine putting that to the big screen. It is magical! Once we received our LeapTV, we set it up immediately and decided to invite a few friends to test out truly how awesome this product is. The LeapTV comes with a console with stand, motion-sensing camera and mount, remote, built-in wifi, 16 MG of memory, HDMI and AC cable.
Set up was very seamless. Since we already had a LeapFrog email and password, I was able to enter that in and register the LeapTV. Once completed, my kids then had the option to set up their individual profiles and pictures. Because it all works via a controller, the kids basically could do everything themselves. Once registered and set up, the kids were ready to explore. They immediately wanted to test it out!
The LeapTV from LeapFrog gets kids into the action while teaching core skills across a variety of subjects including: reading, mathematics, science and problem solving. While education is a big focus of the Leapfrog products, it also always kids to have fun while playing their games and doing the apps. They never feel like they are learning when they play with their LeapTV. My little Zane even learned his alphabet and is learning to spell his name just by playing with the LeapTV. The core age group of the LeapTV is for kids ages 3-8. So both Hayley and Zane, along with all of their friends, can play the LeapTV all the day long to have fun and learn simultaneously! They all found it very easy to use and seamless to play the games.
The system uses a motion-sensing camera and controller that fits small hands. My kids are able to play some of the apps and play games, while seeing themselves in the TV. Just take a look below at the fun we were having while playing LeapFrog Let’s Dance and Learn. They actually learn through motion dancing and jumping to get minds and bodies moving along the way. What a way to make learning fun! Did I mention that there is over 100 games and apps available plus you can pick up your own games individually to play (that is compatible with the system) such as Let’s Dance and Learn and Leapfrog Sports to name a few. Some of the newer games we received are DoodleCraft which allows you to explore and customize a world with the Mr. Pencil Presents DoodleCraft Game, as well as, Letter Factory Letters where you can join Tad and Lily and take a train ride from A to Z. Play mini-games at every stop to learn the name, shape, and sound of every letter, build words, customize an alphabet book and more!
A year later, we still absolutely LOVE the LeapTV! It is one of my kids favorite pastimes and as a mom, I love seeing them learn and enjoy at the same time! I am a big fan of the LeapTV and I see many uses for it in the years to come!
Be sure to follow LeapTV on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram today.
GIVEAWAY: One person will receive the LeapTV. For this giveaway, tell me your favorite feature of the LeapTV in the comment section proceeding the post. While the other posts are optional, I highly suggest filling them out to increase your chances of winning. US only. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I really love that the kids can see themselves on the tv.
I love that they are having fun while they are learning
I love that the kids can see themselves on TV. That is a fabulous feature that will keep them interested for a long time.
i really like that the games grow with the children! it makes it much easier on our wallets.
My favorite features are that the console comes with a stand, motion-sensing camera and mount, remote, built-in wifi, 16 MG of memory, HDMI and AC cable.
I like that there are over 100 games and apps to chose from.
love all the apps
The number and varieties of apps
I love that LeapTV teaches core skills in such a variety of subjects.
I like the Motion Sensing Camera that allows them to join the game
I love that this is a way to keep your kids active while they learn, this is perfect for a rainy day!
I think the fact that it is a fun experience while learning is a great thing. I want my daughter to realize how much fun it can be to learn! I also think my daughter will absolutely love the creative aspect and customization of DoodleCraftGame and Mr Pencil Presents.
I love that it’s educational and there are a variety of games to choose from.
Love that it’s easy for kids to use!
I love that it has over 100 games and apps and that the controller is made small for small hands. There’s a bonus in that it has easy set-up.
I love leap frog because they always educate the little grand kids and this seems to do that like all their other products.
vmkids3 at msn dot com
My favorite feature is that the Leap TV is educational and fum.
I love the motion sensing camera so they can see themselves on tv!
I love that the kids can see themselves on the TV, also the 100 apps and games!
I really like the motion sensor camera.
I love that it gives kids interactive things to do while watching TV.
My favorite feature is the motion-sensing camera!
I love that it has so many apps it is fun and educational for any child
I love that kids learn through motion – so important to keeping your children active and not living a sedentary lifestyle.
I like that kids can learn while having fun.
I really like that this has the built-in wifi!
I think this would be a great tool for my son – he’s just starting to learn to read and also has tons of energy. It’d be awesome to combine a way to keep learning while moving and having fun!
Not being hi tech…SEEMLESS SETUP attractive.
I really like that there is over 100 games and apps to choose from.
they can watch trhemselves on tv
I like that it’s educational!
I like the learning softwares that teach our children while they are having fun. This is a great early learning tool.
are over 100 games and apps
I like the motion-sensing camera because it can follow your every move.
I love all the apps and games! And the kids would love to see each other on TV!
i like
The system uses a motion-sensing camera and controller that fits small hands.
I love that they can do something they love and learn while doing it!
I love that it teaches core skills through fun apps
Love that it has motion sensing technology, very cool.
I like that it is fun and educational at the same time.
I have a 3 year old granddaughter and I like the learning apps.
I love that it gets them moving and helps keep them active. Great for rainy, cold and snowy days!
My favorite feature is that it grows with your child.
I love that that it allows children to have true motion interactive games with out swinging something at my tv like the WII. I love that it runs on wifi. I also love this this geared for smaller children (meaning less than 10-14).
I like that they are educational and entertaining for kids.
I love the fact there are many apps. and easy for kids to use
As a teacher and mother, I love that this is educational and encourages them to learn and be active.
I like that it gets kids up & moving.
Thanks for the contest.
I love that it promotes active play and learning
!y son loves watching video of himselfs so he would love seeing himself on the TV.
I love that I can connect it to my TV.
I love that this is a gaming system designed for kids! My kids would flip! And the 100+ available apps is awesome too, especially since they are made to get them moving! 🙂
I like that there are many games to choose from and that children can see themselves on TV.
I love all the apps and that the controller fits their hands that is so awesome!
Over 100 games and apps is my favorite feature
Thanks for the chance
I love that the kids can see themselves on tv.
I love the variety of apps that are available.
the ease of setup looks great and i really like the variety of apps . plus being geared towards kids moving and interacting is a big selling point for me
I love that it is geared for younger children and involves movement, not just sitting in front of the television.
My favorite feature is that the kids can see themselves on TV! How fun!! I know my daughter would love this.
I like that it gets kids moving and active at the same time they are learning so many basic skills.
My favorite feature is that this caters to all ages!
I love that it combines tech learning with actual, physical moving about for youngsters!
over 100 games and apps
The Leap Tv sounds like it is so much fun. My grandkids would love it
I love that they can see themselves due to the camera feature. Also love all the apps available. So many choices to help them learn.
I love that its a way for the kids to have fun being active!
I love that learning is connected to movement! My girls would have a blast with this!
I love the motion-sensing camera and controller the best
OMG< my son would love this. Bad thing is, I'd never get the TV back 🙂
I love that it gets kids up and off the couch, all while they are learning and having fun. Great for rainy days!
I love that it is educational and fun at the same time.
I like that it’s interactive. Hands on and participating is a plus.
I like that kids can interact via the camera by moving their hands and arms.
Well over 100 games and apps so much for the kids to do on it they would love playing on it.
I love that it is educational and interactive.
The camera is really cool and I like that it makes learning fun for kids
I love that the kids can see themselves on TV. That is a Awesome Feature for the little’s!
I love that the kids can see themselves and that it requires them to move.
I like that it is a learning game system.
I like the large age range on the LeapTV system.
i like that it helps ensure kids stay active.
Teaching core skills
I just like that it’s educational.
I love how everything is so educational but LeapFrog makes it fun!!
I love that there are so many different games to choose from!
I think my kids would love seeing themselves on tv, and I love that it keeps them active and gets them moving and grooving
I love the variety of games and how it makes learning fun.
I like that it gets kids active.
My favorite feature is the built-in wi-fi.
I like the Leap TV because it’s Leaps’ very first product that I know of that actually gets kids moving!
well i like that its made for kids and that it has montion sensing camera
I love the large variety of apps that is avaliable for it
I love that they are learning while playing. Also they can see themselves. My son loves to watch himself
I love that it keeps them active while playing games and the amount of games and apps.
my little niece loves looking at herself and loves learning
I like how they can learn while having fun playing like the big kids. Educational games are great.
I like that it is educational
I love the interactive ability of this system. What a great way to get children active.
I like that the kids would be able to see them selves on the tv my son would love it too
i love that it incorporates fun into learning
I love the idea of little ones being physically active while also learning.
I like that it has over 100 games and apps available on the leap TV.
The kids being able to see themselves is cool! Also, it just being educational fun is always a plus!
I really like that they can see themselves on TV.
I like that it is motion-sensing for the kids. Thanks so much for the chances to win.
I love the fact that it has built-in wifi on it.That is a plus
i really like that the games grow with the children!
I really like that there is over 100 games and apps!
I love that they have a Tad and Lily game, my daughter has books and toys with those two and loves the movies with them in it.