Welcome to the weekend! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
As always, come link up any cute or funny post. Feel free to take my button or share on social media, although this is not mandatory at all. Do check out the other blogs who link up, as they all provide a great laugh!
My top five laughs:
5. I am currently obsessed with Downton Abbey! My friend recommended it to me and I seriously can’t stop watching. The kids had a lot of TV time this week while I was watching it. When my husband asked Hayley where I was, she answered, “Watching that show for the millionth time Daddy!” LOL!
4. Zane is the king of temper tantrums lately. He could have epic ones at just about any time. The funny part is, he knows he is wrong and he puts himself into time out. I don’t even have to say anything- he goes right into the time out chair!
3. Hayley is the queen of picking out her own clothes. Last week, I was not feeling well so my husband took her to school. When she came home she was wearing completely mismatched clothes. I asked my husband if he noticed it and while he did, he said, “But she picked it out and it looked so cute on her.” Well… I might have to disagree with that:)
2. Zane told Hayley that he was going to go on a playdate yesterday. When H asked who, he responded, “I am going on a playdate with my mommy!” That kid- I could eat him up!
1. Zane to my belly- “Hi Baby! I don’t see you yet but I love you!” Melts my heart!
Now your laughs:
Awwww, that’s so sweet when they talk to the baby. It’s also a scary time when they realize they are acting up, do it anyway, and then punish themselves. So confusing! It’s amazing to watch them grow.
Thanks for the chuckles, and the cute link up!
Oh! I started watching Downton Abby over Christmas break and I finished the third season an hour before the new season was starting! Love it!
I’ve heard Downton is great but I’ve never watched it! 🙂
downton abby! ugh! i am obsessed! i love that zane is talking to the baby! ahhhh…i’m still so excited for you! XO
He puts himself in timeout! that is so cute 🙂
LOL! Yes, my daughter picks out her clothes, too. Some mornings I can hear her arguing w/her father about what she is going to wear.
this is a great Idea I am def going to join this!