*Thank you so much to Candice from The New Modern Momma for guest hosting this week while I am sick in bed with the horrible flu. While there is no official link up, feel free to leave your links so I can laugh and feel better:) I will see you all back here on Friday, Jan 10.
We are in the midst of the coldest weather right now with wind chills into the negative temperatures. Yesterday brought the Winter Storm Hercules and today we never set foot out of the house. Our poor dog didn’t even want to go outside to do his business. Yes, it is THAT cold.
I’m happy to host this weeks laughs. Lets all wish Melissa well as she in in the thick of a bad strain of the flu. Ugh, I have had the flu just once way back in high school and it was awful. Feel better soon MEL! XO
- One of my mom’s, G’s Grandma, Christmas gifts was a scarf. G was with me when I purchased it. She was so into Christmas this year. Three is an awesome age when it comes to the Christmas season. Well, when my parents came on Christmas Eve, it wasn’t long before G was telling Grandma that we had bought her a beautiful sparkly scarf for Christmas, but it was a “surprise”. I looked at my mom with big eyes and burst into laughter. Um, yeah, not so much of a surprise anymore little one. Good thing Grandma had some more gifts to open that G was unaware of.
- Again with the scarf, every single day my mom was here after Christmas G would ask my mom if she liked the scarf we bought for her and my mom would of course reply yes. After my mom’s reply G would always give her a giant hug. This went on for four more days and when my mom didn’t have the scarf on G would ask her where it was!
- Hide and seek is one of G’s favorite new games to play. Its hilarious and she will say, “okay mommy, you go hide and I will come find you.” I can’t wait for the warmer weather so we can play this game outside.
- Now that G is potty trained, after she goes #2, she will call out for T.J. or me. Once we get to her she will say, “I have a surprise for you, say what is it” and then she will say, “look!, I pooped on the potty!” Of course we are excited, but we already know what you did, we can smell it!
- If G wakes up in the morning and sees snow outside of her window she tells us it is Christmas. I guess that we can blame this one on me because I told her that Santa needed snow for his sleigh. LOL
Kids are always great for making you laugh! 🙂
I used to announce my successful ‘surprises’ too, thanks for the laughs!
Awwww…those funny potty announcements. It’s been a while at my house. lol
Hope you’re feeling better soon. Laughter and family are the best medicine.
So, did Grandma like the scarf? Is she wearing it?
So cute! I love stories like that.
#4 is HILARIOUS! I talked about our 2 year old and this just yesterday on my blog….but he is less successful than G!
Keeping secrets is so hard this time of year! My 6 year old did better than my 2 year old. He caved right away when I asked him what he got me. My 2 year old wouldn’t even give out a hint! Love that your little was so excited to see Grandma enjoying her gift! Cute laughs!
#4 is hysterical. Addie has taken to announcing that she’s pooped (in her diaper), which only makes me say “no s*it” to myself. She also loves to announce, in public, that mama goes peepee. Thanks, kid. Thanks.
This was the best! Thank you for making me chuckle.
Kids will say the darnedest thing! They say things and be so serious. Enjoy the laughter!
Oh how cute. Kids are the cutest and say the silliest things. Thanks for sharing.
My daughter does the same and she is 4! You cannot tell her anything because she is the 1st to tell others what we bought them! Cute story!
I love your Saturday giggles. So much fun! Adorable story.
Very cute!! It is funny what kids say, and so innocent!!
She is so funny, I love number 4!
I hope you feel better soon!