I am beyond excited to be able to present one of my readers their very own SodaStream. When we first received the SodaStream, I had friends over the house and made each of them their own flavor of soda or sparkling water. My friends were so impressed that 2 of them went out and purchased their own. I use my SodaStream daily! It is … [Read more...]
How to Keep your Baby Safe during the Night!
How to Keep your Baby Safe during the Night In the many discussions I’ve had with new parents, I’ve found that one of the most worrisome times of day for these parents, are the hours when they have no control over the baby; when both parents and child are asleep during the night. During these sleeping hours so much depends upon the baby’s environment: Crib … [Read more...]
This dentist is going to highly recommend the Listerine Oral Care Challenge!
So must of you know if you read my blog, I try to leave my dental job out of my blog. My blog is an outlet for my other main job, being a mommy. However, when I come across information that might help my readers with their kids dental care, I am going to relay it to you. Today, I want to discuss the Listerine Oral Care Challenge.My family and I are … [Read more...]
Prize pack #4: I see me personalized kids books, Sweet Stellas shop, Ripley’s Believe It or Not
Here is Prize pack #4 for my big 12 days of Gift Galore going live tomorrow! I have over 400 dollars in prizes to give out. I decided to split it into 4 winners each receiving 100 dollars in fabulous prizes. You will have your choice in the rafflecopter tomorrow, to select which prize pack (4 prize packs in total) you would like to choice. All week I have … [Read more...]
LiveOn Review-Amazing site for memory and photo preservation for the years to come
Do you ever wonder if you can share your memories and photos down the line with generations to come? I, for one, keep baby books and photo albums online on a regular basis. However, sometimes I go to reach for that one picture that I was supposed to print out and I forgot to do it. Off I go to the computer only to realize I deleted it upon "printing it out." No … [Read more...]
Sponsor review pack #1: Lovable Labels, Guylian chocolates, Tenzi games
Here are the first 3 out of 12 of my big sponsors for 12 Days of Gifts Galore I am participating in. I will be offering 4 prize packs for 4 different winners. Each prize pack will be worth around $100. All prize packs will have their own posts.If you pick this Prize pack #1, you will win 90 Personalized Holiday return labels and 60 personalized Holiday … [Read more...]
RSV/Preemie Awareness Blog Tour from MedImmune!
Did you wear your purple yesterday? Hayley and I did, and we were asked, "Why we were wearing matching purple shirts?" The reason is on November 17, the country celebrated World Prematurity Day. Many of us are under the belief that we will have these perfectly, beautiful infants born on time. According to the March of Dimes, many parents are not educated … [Read more...]
Are you ever scrambling to organize your lists for parties? Check out my review of SignUpGenius.com
I am always planning some sort of function. I like to plan events such as wine/cheese night with my girls, football tailgating, and book club. When my guests ask me what to bring, I am always at a loss since I never really organize this part of my party. What ends up happening is we end up with 15 bottles of wine. While this is nice and wine certainly goes a long … [Read more...]
Kingston urDrive Review and Giveaway (simply comment to win a 5 pack of urDrive USB flash drives)
Thank you to Kingston for sponsoring this review. Please click here to learn more about Kingston. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective. All opinions are my own.We are in the process of searching for a new computer so receiving the 8 GB Data Traveler 109 with added urDrive software could not have come at a more appropriate time. My … [Read more...]