Sanitizing laundry is a lot more important than most people think. Of course, we wash our clothing regularly, but is it really enough? Most laundry detergent is devoted to removing dirt and grime, not so much to killing bacteria. If you’re a mom like me, you’re probably starting to see where I’m going with this. Think about our babies’ blankies. They take them everywhere. They drag on the ground. The drag on the floor. They get stuffed in their mouths. When you really think about their blankets, you start to get a real idea of just how grody they can get. That’s why I wanted to talk about sanitizing laundry.
*This is sponsored with Lysol. All opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.*
Sanitizing Laundry for a Better Clean and Better Health
I always believed that clean laundry was bacteria-free laundry. I just figured that once all the dirt was off, the clothing was clean. Well it is – sort of. It’s free of dirt, but it’s not free of bacteria. And that’s the REAL danger, not the dirt. We can get all the dirt and grime off of our clothes and our babies’ blankets, but the bacteria remains. When you think about everything that our babies’ clothing and blankies touch, the idea of bacteria NOT being killed by our detergent becomes downright scary. It scares me! With all the diseases out there, I want to make sure I protect my little one against all manner of bacteria that I can. She’s still at an age where everything goes into her mouth, so I’d prefer if what went in there was free of that danger.
That’s why I’ve been using Lysol Laundry Sanitizer. It recently became available in the US, and it has changed my life. It kills 99.9% of bacteria on clothing, which means I can rest easy when I see my little Taylor with her blankie crammed firmly in her mouth and one finger up her nose. Ahh, motherhood. LOL But at least when I wash it later on, I know it will be ready to go again!
Sanitizing Laundry for Peace of Mind with a Trusted Name
I can honestly say that I will use Lysol Laundry Sanitizer on every load of laundry I do from now on. I feel so much better knowing that all of our clothing is 99.9% bacteria-free. That means that we’re all protected from the gross that can hang out on our clothes, and that’s the essence of being a mom in my opinion – protecting my family.
I’m so excited! This is my first time ever seeing or hearing of this product. I worry about laundry and how clean it REALLY gets. I bleach whites periodically but overall, I do worry about this. I’m looking for it today!