Happy weekend everyone! I hope you all have a great weekend with whatever you do!
As always, come link up any cute or funny post. Definitely check out the other blogs who link up as they all provide a great laugh. Feel free to take my button or share on social media although this is not necessary.
My laughs:
5. Hayley asked me if she could take chess lessons this week. I was all for that but she is in fact the most random girl with picking her activities. She wants to do everything.
4. Zane fell out of bed this week and slept in the hallway. Quite funny when I found him walking to the bathroom at night.
3. Zane is all about writing these days. I asked him what he wanted to do yesterday and he told me that he wanted to write from morning to night.
2. We took Taylor out to eat for Hayley’s birthday last night and she was the hit of the restaurant. She was going to every table saying hi. So cute!
1. My girl turned 7 yesterday! Happy Birthday Hayley Rose!
Your laughs:
Very cute post! Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to Hayley!
Sounds like you might have a budding writer on your hands, re: #3? 🙂
Happy birthday to that little cute, fun post!