Happy weekend everyone! We are getting all dressed up for a Bat Mitzvah this weekend and we are so excited! I hope you all have a great weekend with whatever you do.
As always, come link up any cute or funny post and LAUGH! Feel free to take my button or share on social media, although this is not necessary. Definitely check out the other blogs who link up as they all provide a great laugh.
My top five laughs:
5. Zane had school pictures the other day. They are supposed to go by themselves but he really wanted to take pictures with his best friend. So he ended up telling the photographer that his best friend was his brother and they need a family picture! LOL!
4. Hayley is still very insistent that she is going to be the tooth fairy when she gets older. She even asked me what school she should go to train!
3. The kids love Taylor, maybe a little to much so. Hayley mimics how an adult would speak to an infant. You realize quickly that the baby noises we make to get a babies attention are annoying, LOL!
2. Zane is learning how to do his name. He is so cute when he writes it. Look at him go:
1. Hayley knows every single artist on our local radio. The other day she told me a song was from Pink and I told her no, it was from Katy Perry. She looked at me and told me, “Have it your way”! And guess what at the end of the song, it was Pink! Go figure!
Now your laughs:
That’s funny about the Katy Perry vs. Pink song.
Also someone should make a movie about a Tooth Fairy school – I know there’s the Tooth Fairy movie w/ The Rock but I don’t think it covered his schooling 😛 it would be like Harry Potter! Ha.
Haha! Bailey totally mimics us when talking to Hunter. It’s. so. annoying. 😀 I need H to come here for a little while and teach me who some of these artists are, I know none of them! I love Zane’s thinking in number 1, little stinker!
I love reading these posts 🙂
Good post