Happy weekend everyone! I hope you all have a great weekend. It is supposed to be gorgeous.
As always, come link up any cute or funny post, kid or not kid related. Feel free to take my button or share on social media, although this is not necessary. Definitely check out the other blogs who link up as they all provide a great laugh!
My top five laughs:
5. A few days ago I took the kids to the pool club for the first time this season. Honestly, they spent hours in the water and then when we were done, both had huge temper tantrums because they did not want to leave. You would think 5 hours in the pool is enough!
4. My belly is getting ginormous! I am only about 38 weeks. Zane looked at me and says, “Mommy…Your belly is so big…What else besides the baby is in there?”
3. My parents were visiting and my dad was taking off his shirt. Zane walked in and asked my dad, “Papa..You have Baby Girl in your belly too”. I could not help but crack up!
2. Hayley asked me to get her a gift when the baby is born so she can give the gift to her new sister. However, her idea for a gift was giving Baby Girl a huge Frozen doll. I don’t think a newborn is quite ready for that sweet Hayley.
1. Zane and Hayley have been harassing me when baby girl is coming out. They have an official countdown calendar in our bedroom. It is so cute!
Now your laughs:
That’s funny about the belly thing!
It’s so cute that your kids have a countdown going. Love that!
Hopefully your dad was a good sport about the baby comment, ahaha, kids!
I love these humorous posts. I especially love the belly comment!