*I was compensated for participation in the upcoming twitter party. All my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.
The Mash-Up is sponsored by @MiracleSuitSwim
Nutritionist & Diabetes Educator Erin Polinksy-Wade @DietExpertNJ, Cookbook author/celebrity @HollyClegg & celebrity/stylist Max Szedek @MrDivabetic , and @DiabetesINFL are going to be involved in a great twitter chat. Please follow the hashtag #DiabetesChat tomorrow, 6/11 from 8-9 pm.
We will be discussing Ways to Look Fine In No Time This Summer. 5 free Miraclesuit bathingsuits during the hour long Twitter Party/Google Hangout Mashup will be given.
When: 6/11 8-9 pm EST
Where: On Twitter- follow hashtag #DiabetesChat
On Google Chats- Follow this link once live: http://goo.gl/F8H0Rh
Prizes: 5 Miraclesuit bathing suits
The Diabetes Influencer program is a product of the company that publishes the top digital diabetes education magazine. There will be so much to learn at this great party!
RSVP @sherrybracy cannot wait to learn more at the party! 🙂
I will be there RSVP @ssony711
Looking forward to the party!! Sounds interesting rsvp @AngelaAnj3n8
RSVP @PinkHippo13
RSVP @jasfields_jail