Happy weekend everyone! I am finally feeling about 80 percent better! Now, I have to get rid of this darn cough! I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.
As always, come link up any cute or funny post. Feel free to take my button or share on social media, although this is not mandatory at all. Definitely check out the other blogs who link up, as they all provide a great laugh.
My top five laughs:
5. Everyone asks Zane where is the baby. Zane answers it is in mommy’s belly but you can’t see it until July. I laugh every time!
4. Hayley and Zane are the best of friends and the worst enemies all in the same hour. One minute they could be hugging each other and the next Zane will say, “Get away from me!” Can both of my kids be bi-polar?! I kid:)
3. This week, we were driving to school and Hayley noticed a biker in the middle of the road. She rolled down the window and said, “You are in the middle of the road and my mom is trying to drive.” She was right but I laughed!
2. Anytime I cough, Zane turns to me and says, “You alright mommy..You need anything?!” My sweet, little boy!
1. I don’t know whether I was laughing or fuming about what happened yesterday. Zane was behind me while I was checking out at the market. I turn my back for a second, and he unwraps 7 lollipops and begins to suck on them all. Guess who was the owner of 7 lollipops that she did not come in for! You guessed it!
Now your laughs:
Thanks for the link up, I always love the smiles!
#3 is really funny!
Cute! Thank goodness kids to things that make us laugh and bring a smile to our face.
7 lollipops – very specific, lol! That’s funny.
The lollipop incident is pure gold!!!
The lollipops and the car Window! I would have died! Great post!
7 lollipops? What a sugar rush, lol!
LOL, that sounds like my daughter telling the biker to move. LOL. Love it.
Oh my kids have done that in the market before too! Makes me so mad but you have to laugh. Today my daughter thought it’d be fun to start drawing on the new tv her daddy was installing. NOT fun but I couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that she just figured it was a big black board!
Wishing you a Happy Saturday. Hahaha…. yelling at the biker for driving in the middle of the road. good for her.
These are too cute. Of course nothing funny happens over here for a while!
Thanks. I can use a chuckle.
Aww, those are so cute and funny. Thanks so much for the linky.
The things that our kids do and say could fill volumes. Thanks for sharing yours!
So adorable. As they say “from the mouths of babes”.
I love your son’s answer about the baby in your belly, too cute.
My son is also very concerned if I cough, and asks me if I’m ok and if I’m sick. I’m not 100% sure but it may go back to a few years ago when I actually was really sick and had to have lung surgery.
my kids have opened stuff at the store too!!
Such a cute post, thanks for the laughs!
Love it! Kids make me laugh 🙂
So very cute!! Kids really do say the cutest things!!
Zane is so adorable! My younger ones can act the same way (one minute loving and the next fighting), come to think of it my older boys do too!