As a mom of now 2 kids, I now how important a good travel system is. I know when I first had Hayley, I was constantly struggling with finding the best way to travel with her. I would use her car seat but then had to transfer her to a stroller, which was a big hassle in and of itself. Thankfully, I found out about travel systems along the way, that makes life as a mom much easier. It makes you be able to transfer a sleeping baby in an infant car seat to a stroller, by just snapping the car seat into the stroller. I have learned that there are many travel systems which include the infant car seat and stroller on the market, but one that I absolutely love is the Eddie Bauer Trail Hiker, 3 Wheel Travel System.
When we first received the Eddie Bauer Travel System, it was an extremely easy to set up. The car seat was virtually set up, and the stroller just needed a few minutes of assembly, to get it up and running. The Eddie Bauer Travel System comes with the Infant Car Seat, Base, and 3 Wheel Stroller.
When you think of a Infant Car Seat, I think of a car seat that I use for a limited time, before I transfer to a convertible car seat. However with the Eddie Bauer infant car seat, it could be used from 4-35 pounds, and up to 32 inches! It is meant to be used as a rear facing car seat with a much wider weight/height range than your typical car seats. This is a huge plus because you can use your travel system for a longer time, rather than just the first few months.
The Eddie Bauer Infant Car Seat has added side impact protection and removable infant head support. It has a special QuickClick which attaches the car seat to the stroller with one simple click. This is a huge feature because as a mom/dad, especially one with more than one children, your hands are always full taking care of the baby and other child. With this feature, it allows you to simply put your child’s seat right into the stroller with no extra parts required to assemble. It also is LATCH equipped and obviously meets and exceeds Federal Safety Standards.
The Infant Car Seat we received was of a black/red color which is perfect for a boy or a girl. It also matches the Eddie Bauer 3 Wheel Stroller perfectly. In terms of the stroller, it features a 3 wheel design for superior maneuverability. I took this stroller for a test stroll with Hayley in it, and it rides beautifully. Even with Hayley being 35 pounds, I had no problem gliding the stroller around our bumpy streets. As I was taking it for a spin ride, I saw that it also features a removable tray and 2 cups, which I LOVE! I tend to put food on the tray and that keeps my kids occupied for some time. I use the cup holder to put Zane’s sippy or Hayley’s big girl cup, so it is readily accessible when they are thirsty. As awesome as this is, it also has a storage unit for your Ipad, wallet, cards, etc next to the cup holders. It features a storage basket below the stroller that is covered.
While Zane likes to lay down and recline, Hayley likes to stay fully upright. The Eddie Bauer Stroller enables both as it has a multi-position seat recline, which I could readily move depending on positions. It features the standard 5 point harness and is easily stored away and folded up with one hand. Best of all, it accommodates a child up to 50 pounds!
I love the Eddie Bauer Travel System which features their top rated infant car seat and stroller. It provides me great comfort knowing my children are comfortable and safe in their car seat and stroller. It allows superior maneuverability through the streets and allows them to have a comfortable ride. The Eddie Bauer Trail Hiker Travel System is available at Target for $199.99.
Win it: One winner will receive the Eddie Bauer Trail Hiker Travel System including the infant car seat, base, and stroller. This giveaway is run via rafflecopter so click read more to see the actual giveaway. The only mandatory entry is to tell me what feature of the Eddie Bauer Trail Hiker Travel System looks most appealing to you. Please put comments in the comment section proceeding the post. While the other entries are optional, I highly suggest filling it out to increase your chances of winning. US only. Good luck!
*I was provided with the above product for review purposes. As always, all my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.
This looks like a great stroller. I love that the car seat can go from car to stroller…so much easier than taking a sleeping baby out of the car seat.
three wheel design is radical.
Do you know what car base this works with? We have this system but I need another car base!!
Expecting my 10th grandbaby, but having almost 5 years passed since grandbaby #9, I’m brushing up on all the latest baby/kid gear. Thanks for this wonderful post; and the most appealing feature to this Grandma is the folding and storing with one hand! Yes!
I love the 3 wheel design!
What a blessing to be able to go from car seat to stroller and back again with ease!! And I have always noticed the 3 wheel design –glad to know it is easily maneuverable.
I love the color! So bold and pretty!
I love that the car seat can also go into the stroller base.
Ooo great giveaway!
I like the 3 wheel design. Much easier to get around.
Looks like a nice travel system. Do they make this is a double or a triple for larger families?
I like the tray where you can put food.
that’s one nice looking stroller! my youngest is three so we’ve been passed the stroller stage for quite a while, now we rock the wagon!
Cool stroller and car seat!! Guess we’re past this stage! Sadly…
I love the 3 wheels on it!
I like that it can hold up to 35 lbs… that’s amazing!
I like that it is virtually set up. I am not handy at all and hate putting things together!!
I like that the storage basket below the stroller is covered.
I love that the car seat can be attached to the stroller- it makes it so much easier if they are sleeping!
I love the 3 wheel design & that it’s a complete travel system!
I like the easy fold up and the large basket
Having it all in one system sure makes life easier.
Just about to have our first child and this would be great!
the 3 wheel design debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
I like the simple one-hand fold & store. I never seem to have enough hands and I like how compactly it folds to fit in my trunk
big kids can fit in this too~!
I like the three wheels.
I like that it has the multi-position recline for the stroller, and that it folds easily!
I love the weight range and the cup holders! 🙂
the car seat/stroller feature is so conveinient
I love that it will hold my child up to 50 pounds!
I love the high Lbs =)
This is like an SUV stroller – so sleek looking AND durable. I like how it holds a child up to 50 lbs! I want one so I can give it to my friends who just had another baby! 😉
I like that it can be used upto 32 inches!
I love the Eddie Bauer brand! I love the easy reach cup holder up front, I love that this travel system is a jogging stroller!
I love the 3 wheel design and the ease of reclinability.
I like it’s 3 wheeled look
I love this but I really like it has a storage unit for your Ipad or wallet next to the cup holders.
I like the 3 wheel design for maneuverability
maneuverability- that’s what I’m looking for in my next stroller.
This looks like a great travel system – and at a great price! I love the three-wheel design!
The stuff that they have nowadays makes me so envious! We had such awkward and clunky systems when my son was born, which we reused for my daughter. This looks very cool and functional.
I really like that it can hold kids up to 50 lbs which is nice so you can use it for a long time.
i love the multi-position seat recline and that it works for bigger kids!
Wow, looks awesome! I couldn’t live with out my joggers! My boys are too old now, but those are the best!
This looks like a great jogger! I love joggers! They are a MUST have!
I always love when a stroller reclines all the way down flat.
Thats a nice stroller, I don’t use a stroller anymore. This would be great for trips:)
love how the front is goes to a point tp save space aels the 3 whend
I like the multi position reclining seat.
I like the removable tray
I love that it folds up with one hand!
i love how leightweight it is and that is has 3 wheels
i like the one hand fold feature on the stroller
Changes with age of child!! Thank you for the opportunity
I love the looks of it and the way it has 3 wheels.. So used to using the old fashioned style that this would be really nice to own. Thanks
I like that it has 2 places for storage and the built in cup holders!
Actually I like that your daughter fits well in the stroller as I have daughters of similar age and they are a tight fit in our stroller. Also, I like the 3 wheel design for manuverability.
My travel system is so flimsy compared to EB’s! What an awesome set!
Which feature of the travel system do you love the best
that it folds up easy
I’m loving the 3 wheel design!
i like that it’s a matching car seat stroller set and i like the 3 wheels.
I love the cup holders, and that it holds up to 50 pounds!
Love the 3 wheel design and that it easily folds.
i love that its a 3 wheeler
That it’s a jogging stroller!!!
I like the maneuverability of a three wheel design.
Love that the car seat is larger than the average ones on the market and also appreciate the stroller’s sleek design.
The 3 wheel design and the carseat goes from car to stroller
My favorite feature is that the seat is larger than the typical one, going up to 35 lbs. and 32 inches.
I like the three wheel design on the stroller!
The wheels and the color. Such a fun giveaway. She looks so cute sitting in the stroller!
I love the maneuverability provided by the three wheel design.
I love the 3 wheel design and that it features their top rated infant car seat and stroller
i like the color and the three wheel movability of the stroller
I love being able to go from the car to the stroller
I like the multi position recline.
I like strollers with 3 wheels, I find them easier to maneuver.
I like the 3 wheel design.
I like the multi-position seat recline an d the easy maneuverability 🙂
Removable tray and cup holders!
I love the 3 wheel design:-)
I like what looks like a large storage area under the seat. A stroller is worthless to me if it doesn’t have space to store all of my stuff!
I like the easy fold and how it goes up to 50 lbs.
i like it holds up to 35 lbs ,thats great
I like the big storage basket and the 3 wheel design
its not too expensive
I like the 3 wheel design!
i liked that-a storage basket below the stroller that is covered.
I like the high weight limit.
I like the storage compartment and cup holders.
That you can fold with 1 hand!
I love that you can use the car seat up to 35 pounds!
I like that it is a travel system and I love that the car seat can hold up to 35 lbs!!!
I love that the stroller will hold a 50 pound child. I love it!!
I like the 3 wheel design.
Thanks for the chance.
i just found out i’m pregnant and am looking for a stroller that is long lasting… i love that this can last from an infant to a toddler without having to buy a new one. it looks awesome!!
I love the wheels. It seems so easy to maneuver with it.
The 3 wheel design is nice.
I like that it’s maneuverability is so good
I like that it holds a child up to 50 pounds!
I like the 3 wheel design!
the removable tray, and I love the colors
The infant seat will for work for up to 35 pounds!!!!
I like that the car seat attaches to the hiker.
The WHEELS! I live on gravel roads, and we also do a lot of things like our county fair, Ren Faire, etc.. no pavement! without a stroller like this, it’s near impossible to push! The adjustable handle is awesome too… FAR too many stollers, you are hunched over and that really stinks.
I commented on
love the 3 wheeled design. my partner and i are desperate to win a stroller giveaway with our little due in a couple months.
that it can go from carseat to stroller
I love the multi position seat recline.
I love the 3 Wheel Stroller..seems more efficient and easier to puch with only 3 wheels.
I like that it can hold up to 35 lbs
I love that the car seat attaches to the stroller, would love to win for my on the way grandchild.
that the car seat attached to the stroller
I love the fact that it is a jogging stroller
I love how easy it is to fold down!
i like that the car seat is LATCH equipped
Love the three wheel design best
The three wheel design.
i like the front wheel for a smoother ride!
The three wheel design is very innovative.
I like that the car seat attaches to the stroller!
The Quick Click!
Food tray, this would come in handy for the grandson.
I like the 3 wheels, I’ve used the 4 wheeled strollers in the past and they’re hard to use.
i like the special QuickClick which attaches the car seat to the stroller with one simple click
I like the fact that it can recline
the 3 wheel design and the cup holder!
I like the 3 wheels
I really like all the features! The cup holder is a nice touch. And I like that the car seat can go into the stroller.
I love the 3 wheel design. Much easier to get around.
I like that it fold easily and has a 5 point safety harness
I lik ethat the stroller has a storage unit
I like that it is easily stored away and folded up with one hand.
I love that the Eddie Bauer Infant Car Seat has added side impact protection.
I love so much about this but love how easy it looks to go from car to stroller.
I really like the 3 wheeled design.
I love that it holds a child up to 50 lbs!
Love that it has three and folds compact.
I would love to win this for my sister in law. She’s due in June with a boy. It’s her first.
Love the way they can be used together and separate.
Love that it can go from carseat to stroller!
I like the 3 wheel design…
I like that it accommodates a child up to 50 pounds
I LOVE the adjustable shoulder straps on the carseat. I DEARLY missed that with my first two!
Like the multi position seat recline!
I like the weight limit on the stroller as i have a 38lb 2 yr old who I would like to still put in a stroller for a while longer!
I like the 3-wheel design- it would be so much more practical!
That it accommodates up to 50 lbs!
I love a lot of features about this travel system…lol!! Holds up to 50 lbs, the three wheel design, it’s safe, etc.!! LOVE it! Great giveaway! Thank you! 🙂
That you can use this stroller up to fifty pounds.
Easy to get around/maneuver
I love the three wheel design!
I like that you can put the car seat right on the stroller.
it looks easy to use
I like that the infant seat holds more weight than 20 lbs!
I like the maneuverability…easy to push around
I love all of the storage spaces! I also like the 3 wheel design, it seems like it would be easier to handle!
I like that it is an infant car seat and a stroller.
As a first time mom I love the easy of a travel system that will work for so many things!
Cup holder is my favorite feature
The built in cup holder is great!
I like that it’s easy to fold and also that it accommodates a child up to 50 pounds
I love the 3 wheel design and that you can go from car seat to stroller!!!
i love that it goes up to 50 lbs!
It’s tied between the three wheel design of the stroller and the ease of using a bucket seat with it!
i love that the wheel on the stroller swivels
I love how easily the car seat clicks into the stroller.
I love the pivoting wheels on the stroller. That makes it so much easier to navigate tight spaces!
Multi wheel design
Put the car seat right on the stroller is great
I love that the car seat can go from car to stroller
I like how durable it looks, and that the front wheel is such a great design and pivots!
Easy to fold stroller 🙂
this would be an awesome win!
forgot to mention Great design and looks very durable!
I love the 3 wheel design and the cup holders!
I love the recline options!
i love the jogger so much!
I love that it goes straight from stoller to car seat!!
Baby number 3 is on the way, and it’s been a while since the other two. We’re in desperate need of a stroller! This one would do the trick. So many changes in strollers since 2005! Love that this one is so, so simple!
i really like that it holds kids up to fifty pounds.
I really like the reclining feature of the stroller, great for naps on the go!
3 wheeler
I like the weight range of the car seat!!
I love how far back the stroller reclines
Looks like an awesome stroller!!
I like that it has multiple reclining positions
I like the covered storage basket. Thank you for a chance to win.
I like that you said it’s easy to assemble and the car seat is already assembled 🙂 I also like the spaces for storage of things you may need to carry along 🙂
I love all the storage. This would be great for my next one 🙂
I like that you can use it for an extended period of time – not just when they’re a certain age or weight.
I love the swivel wheels, it looks like it would maneuver great!
My favorite feature is the 3 wheel design for easy maneuverability. I always had the 4 wheel clunky ones and you struggle so much with the wheel base. I’d love this for my daughter for her son, she does not have a stroller yet and he is over a year old.
multiple reclining positions and covered storage
i love the 3 wheel design
the three wheel design seems awesome
love the 3 wheel design
I love that it can hold children up to 50 lbs
love the large size of the seat
i love anything and everything eddie bauer
I like the three wheel design
i like that the stroller has a 5 point harness
The fact its a jogging stroller… they are awsome on any surface
The superior maneuverability would be what I like most. Mine is so old and clunky LOL.
I lie that the Car Seat has added side impact protection and removable infant head support
I like the 3 wheel design.
i love how cute it is!!!
the large basket
three wheel design
the way the front wheels also move for easy steering
It looks very well made
The front swivel wheel.
Honestly, just the fact that it is a stroller is great! Ours is kind of a piece of trash. I would love to know my little girl is comfortable and safe!
I love the weight range for the car seat and the movability for the stroller
Love Eddie Bauer products!
I really like that the car seat can also go into the stroller base.
I love that the stroller holds kids up to 50 lbs. and that it rolls so smoothly over rough surfaces.
I love that the stroller has a multi positon reclining seat and can hold up to a 50 lb child
Littlemamameow at gmail dot com
The carseat
I like that it has a removable infant car seat.
I like the color
I love that the seat is multi-positional reclining! The front tires are great, too! What a wonderful stroller!
Front wheel swivel! IT’s so hard to find!
Love the 3 wheel design
I love the One-Hand Fold
I like that it has the multi-position seat recline!
of course Eddie Bauer has reputation for quality……..and I like that it does not look too “complicated”
Removable tray for older babies.
Thanks for the chance.
I like that the special QuickClick.
The design of the stroller! Looks easy to handle!
I love everything about this stroller but mostly the multi-position seat recline and the three wheels!
I love the three wheel design and the one click technology!
I like that it accomidates an infant carseat but also still is large enough for your daughter to fit into! Also love the lower cargo space.
I really like the design being three wheel and it can last longer by carrying up to 35 lbs
I like the three wheel design, great for running!
like 3 wheel design to give it stability!
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
comment nongiveaway
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
I like that it holds up to 35 lbs
I like the ease of the car seat attaching to the stroller.
I like the convenience of the seat right into stroller option for easy travel from car to your destination!
I love the three wheel design. I also love the red and black design that would be considered great for boy or girl!
I love the color and easy set up
i like that it’s really rugged b/c i live on a dirt road and it’s hard to push my son’s regular stroller so this would be really nice 🙂
NON giveaway comment
i love the multi position recline
Its only 3 wheels!
I like that it holds a high capacity on weight and it looks like it would ride smooth with its 3 wheels
Love the car seat to stroller feature
i love the design
I love that it holds up to 50 pounds!!! Perfect for my little giant!
I love the three wheel design for easy maneuverability.
I like the multi-position seat recline
I like that it reclines so they can take a nap
reclining 🙂
I’m especially interested in the stroller with it’s 3 wheel design. It looks like it moves smoothly and has a full handle instead of just a handle on each side. Thanks for the giveaway!
I like that its able to recline
I like the fact that is it so easy to manuver. I have a bad back and this would make life so much easier for me! Thanks!
I like the multi-position seat recline. Thank you
I love that this stroller can accommodates a child up to 50 pounds!
I love that its a travel system and it doesn’t need an adapter to use the carseat with the stroller!
I like the storage.
The reclining seat is my favorite feature.
That it can fit a child up to 50lbs!
the 3 wheels design for superior maneuverability and its safety
the narrow 3 wheel design
That it can hold up to 35 lbs
I love that the stroller can be folded up with one hand! I so need that. 🙂
I like the 3 wheel design and that it can be one hand folded
I love that it it has a multi-position seat recline
I love that its very easy to move about and has great maneuverability, that’s a plus for me!
I like the car seat’s side impact protection!
That it can easily be stored (with one hand?!) Such a nice quality.
I love how safe the car seat seems! I also love the 3 wheels on the stroller! It can be easily stored! This would be awesome for #2 baby on the way!
I like the standard 5 point harness and that you can fold it with one hand.
I like that it has added side impact protection and removable infant head support.
I love that the seat goes right from the car to the stroller. I wish I had one of these when my daughter was a baby! Thanks! hstorm799{at}gmail{dot}com
I just love that you can put the carseat into the stroller without waking up the baby.
Love the big wheels!
comfort and safe
I like how long you can use the rear facing convertible for! awesome!
I love the colors
car seat can also go into the stroller base
The storage basket, reclining seat and easy maneuvering are the best features I love about this stroller
wheel design
I love that it has an adjustable handle as there is over a foot in height difference between my husband and me.
I love that it has 3 wheels instead of 4. That makes it easier to move around things, like if I am shopping.
the 3 wheel design
Like the 3 wheel design!
the 3 wheel design
the 3 wheel design is cool. makes it look like it takes up less space. and space is always an issue!
I love the stroller it seems easy to get around and small enough to not take up a lot of room!
I love that it fits kids up to 50 pounds so we’d get alot of use out of it before she outgrew it.
i love the 3 wheel design
I like the Quickclick feature which attaches the car seat to the stroller with one simple click.
I love the 3 wheel design, I never had one.
Love the 3 wheel design! Makes it so easy to steer around things!
I love the removable tray feature!
alexa user id is ardy22
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
the 3 wheel design
I most like the easy-to-manage multi-position seat recline.
I like that the stroller is smaller and seems easy to use! Its also way cute!
I like the three wheels.
I love the Three Wheel Design! Easier to steer!!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
I love that the car seat just clicks quickly and easily into the stroller and also the stroller handle height adjustment would be really nice!
I like that the car seat can be used until the baby is older!
I like the large wheels that will help with maneuverability..
The multi-position seat recline!
multi position seat recline
I love that the stroller holds kids up to 50 lbs and the multi position seat recline—– Pauline aka Paol Trenny ….. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com
The swiwel wheels!
The 3 wheel system and the cup holder.
I reall like the quick click and the swivel wheels.
I love the 3 wheel design
I love the fact that it’s both a car seat, and a stroller in one. This would be great for a two month old.
Thank you for hosting this very generous giveaway! =)
I like that the Car Seat has added side impact protection and removable infant head support
Love the swivel wheels, cool design.
I like that it folds with one hand since with a baby you always seem to be carrying something or someone in the other hand.
I love that the infant seat can latch right onto the stroller. No waking baby up to transfer to the stroller.
Love the red and black! Gender neutral. Nice large wheels for smooth ride. Holds infants to toddlers, baby seat goes from car to stroller without fiddling with straps and blankets. Great! what is not to like?
easy-to-manage multi-position seat recline.
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I love the ability to grow with my child
I love the three wheel system. It makes maneuverability all the easier. It looks like it would have more of a feel of a running stroller.
How easily it folds.
I love everything about it & it would be great for my first grandson who was born yesterday morning!! 🙂
I like the 3 wheels, seems like it will get around well.
I like that it folds up with one hand
I like that it can be folded up using one hand and is easy to maneuver. Very important for a Mom.
I like that it’s top rated and is easy to maneuver.
i love that it holds children up to 50 pounds
I like that it has 3 wheels and looks very easy to use and get around with.
i love the cup holder! lol
I like the tray and cup holder. Both look really deep so less chance of stuff falling off on a bumpy road.
I love the 3 wheel design.
I love that you can use the travel system for a longer amount of time compared to most other models! That and the three wheeled system looks very easy to maneuver, especially in more crowded situations.
I love the 3 wheel design for superior maneuverability
reclines all the way for little babies
i like the quick click feature
I love the design and the comfort looking.
I liek that it has a multi-position seat recline
My favorite feature is the stroller’s 3-wheel design allowing for maximum maneuverability.
the cup holder and snack tray for my little one
I think the addition of the side impct protection to the car seat is great!!
Love the one hand folding
I like the covered storage basket.
It easily stores away and folds up with 1 hand 🙂
I love that I could use the stroller until my son is 50 pounds, and love the reclining feature for his naps while we’re out and about 🙂
I like the QuickClick feature
I love the weight limit and the front swivel wheels. Perfect for hikes and jogging! We do a lot of that and need something like this!
I love that it it can be used from 4-35 pounds, and up to 32 inches.
I like that it folds with one hand… A necessity for me…
the seat coming apart from the stroller i also like the wide wheel base
I like that the storage basket is covered and multiple reclining positions.
Nice bold colors!
I love how long you can use it since the weight goes up to 50 lbs and with the car seat attachment it would get lots of use!!!
fava feature: multi-position seat
I love that the weight limit is so high.
The 3 wheels & the high weight limit
I like the One-hand Fold
I like the 3 wheel design.
I love the covered storage basket.
i love thee seat reclines far back
Hello there! I could have sworn I’ve visited your blog before but after looking at many of the posts I realized it’s
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it is such a peace of art … i got it for my babe from Target. it is such a great stroller and i recommend it for all mum’s.
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