Hello The Mommyhood Chronicle Readers! Melissa so kindly asked me to host her Saturday Top Five Laughs this week while she attends Blogher 12! I am sure she is having a fantastic time.
*Please note Melissa did not put a link up today but if you want feel free to add your links to the comment section. She will be back next Friday with her link up!
My name is Tracy and I have a small piece of the web knows as And Then There Were Three. I am a full time working Mom of three littles. Dominic, 10 is the oldest. Logan, 2 is the middle child. Finally, Charlotte “Charlie” 1, is the youngest. Our house is organized chaos with fun, stress, laughs and some tears thrown in for good measure. Come and check out our laughs each week!
5. My littles like to run around naked after their baths. “Neh-kid” according to Logan. One evening they were running through the living room and Libby was running behind them. (She is our 7 month old Boarder Collie) When Libby caught up to Logan, she sniffed his bare bum and licked it. *high pitched screaming voice* “Libby yickin my bum! She yickin it, yuck!”
4. Dominic wants to customize Reebok shoes for this coming school year. He spent a very very very long time making his perfect shoes. He had the page up on my lap top and told me very specifically that I cannot close it until I order them, he said this while I was working on my work computer. He left my laptop in reach of the littles. It did not end well. One of them, unsure which, hit the keyboard and shut down the computer. Dom’s eyes became very wide while he became very upset when he played on my computer later that evening. “MOM, you closed my tab for the shoes. I TOLD you not to!” I explained that it was not me and was one of the littles. “Man, those kids can be a real pain in the butt!”
3. One morning after I let Libby outside, I hear Logan yelling. “Daddy. Mommy. I tuck outside. Wif Libby. I stuck. Daddy!” Yep, Logan had opened the back door, ran outside…to the drive way and back to the porch.
2. Logan and Charlie love to listen to One Direction songs and dance. Charlie: sways her hips, shakes her hands and bounces up and down. Logan: runs around the room, shaking his bum, jumping up and down. It is the best thing to watch!
1. My kids are too much. I mean really. After Charlie toots, she looks at us and smiles/giggles. Logan announces his while giggling. Then if you are with them out and about, Logan will announce it loud and clear for all to hear. And if the toot is vile, he has to tell you how stinky it is. Appears that Charlie may take after the boys in the house with the giggles and bodily functions!
Lol, such cute kids!
LOL! This has become one of my favorite link ups! Kids are so funny!!!
This is a great link up! I’ll add mine in the comments this week. 🙂 Thanks:
Great laughs! Logan and Libby and the bum licking is totally my favorite! Little girls and toots just slay me! Glad you’re able to fill in so well!!
Here are our laughs
I love this link up<3 Thanks for sharing 😉
Thanks for hosting – hope you are having a fabulous week!
Hope this brings everyone a smile!
Love the Reebok story–too cute! 🙂
Love your laughs! #5 Oh.My.Goodness! I would have been doubled over with laughter!! #1 My 1 year old giggles at her gas as well. And I was hoping that by having a girl there would be another person in this house with manners. Boy was I wrong!
The bum licking is hilarious! Kids are too funny!
Yay! I finally have time to participate. 🙂
Guess I should leave my link here, lol. Melissa, I hope you are having a great time at BlogHer!
I can tell by the twitter feed that you are having a fantastic time! Heather and I wanna join you next year 🙂
Thanks for filling in today, your kids are just as silly!! They sure do keep you busy that’s for sure. I hope Melissa is having a great time!! I just wanted to let her know too that for some reason I still can’t get the darn button to work so I just did a link back via a little “promo”. When things don’t work soemtimes you just need to wing it. 😉 Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!!
Hope your having a fun and safe time at BlogHer!
Royalegacy’s Silly Saturday – How the Internet was Really Started
How sweet. Kids really do say the darnedest things! Sounds like there is never a full moment in your house. It is so funny how got on you after “closing” the page with his shoes on it. I can imagine he didn’t like having his bum licked, oh those dogs! Loved your post!
Thanks so much everyone! A huge thanks to Tracy for guest hosting. You rock girl! 🙂 See you all on Friday night!