Welcome to the Holiday weekend. O’kay maybe not really a holiday weekend, but in my head, it is one. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.
As always, this is a funny/cute/top five blog hop. Come link up any cute/funny posts that you have. If you have time, check out the other blogs who link up too as they are so funny! Feel free to take my button and help me share on social media site if you like!
My top five laughs:
5. This is not really funny but so cute! Hayley is so in love with the water. She can swim for hours and it is such an awesome sight to watch. She has been taking lessons since she was 10 months and she used to cry every time. I am so glad I continued to take her, it truly paid off!
4. Zane had his 15 month appointment this week. He did great with shots! I was so proud. I thought it was funny that he lost 1/2 pound. It must have been all his crazy running he has been doing.
3. This week I accidentally called her Princess, Snow White instead of Belle. Hayley looked at me and said, “Mommy, how can you get the princesses confused!” Silly Melissa..
2. I have an alarm clock in Hayley’s room that I set because she has been getting up so darn early. I accidentally set the alarm this morning for 6 am- I usually set it for 8 am. I had a bouncy girl calling out for me to get her at this early hour. I will never make this mistake again!
1. Zane is such a Mommy’s boy. For real, he will cry if he wants me and anyone else picks him up. My mom didn’t believe it, so I told her to test it out. He was crying and trying to escape my mom’s arms. I told my mom, that the minute I pick him up, he will stop crying. Low and behold, I picked him up and no more tears. I secretly love that he is a momma’s boy!
Now onto your laughs:
The Princesses I know. It’s all the Star Wars characters that I get confused about! See what you have to look forward to? 🙂
hayley’s quotes always make me laugh…how sweet that she’s a water babe – that’s awesome! i’m sorry about the alarm clock mix-up. ahhh! i am famous for setting the alarm clock too early. when i was younger and would have sleepovers, my friends wanted to kick my butt for it. lol. they would always say “maria!!! you know darn right well we aren’t going to get up then! turn it off!” 🙂
i hope that your “holiday week” has been wonderful!
have a sweet weekend, melissa!!
sending love <3
Yeah, Melissa, how COULD you get the princesses confused?! Hahah. I love that your daughter usually gets up at 8. That is amaaaaazing! Something to look forward to, I guess. My girlie is at a almost-always-waking-up-before-7 age. And yet, I cannot discipline myself to go to bed before midnight or 1.
Ok ok…so HOW COULD YOU MIX UP THE PRINCESSES?? Haha jk…mommy brain right??
Love that Zane is a Mommy’s boy…Linc is too and I LOVE It…for the first time though last night I was playing with him and he says, “no mamma. Dadda.” I was heartbroken haha!
Ooops! I entered my URL wrong. Can you delete entry 6? Also love the mamas boy! Seriously how cute on the princesses!
How can you get the princesses messed up! That is almost unforgivable.
Aww…I love that Zane is a mommy’s boy! G is such a daddy’s girl so maybe I’m secretly hoping for a boy for #2. 🙂 Great laughs and I really need to start G with some swim lesson! Happy weekend!
That is so awesome Hayley is a great swimmer!! Aw, I love it when the boys are momma’s boys. So cute!
Without fail, your quotes from Hayley never fail to make me laugh!
Aww, Zane’s a mommy’s boy! LB is kind of one, but if his Pop Pop is in the room, watch out, because no one else exists!
#4 First I thought you were going to say he lost the weight from when you cut his hair. 😉
#1 cherish him being a Mommy’s boy. My son will be ten years old in August. He is still my baby boy and he still is a Mommy’s boy on the most part. However there are times where he don’t want to hold my hand in public and he gets all weird when I hug him in public. He will always be my baby boy though.
I think our boys are exactly the same! Wolf Prince is such a momma’s boy too. He does that all the time. Except for music class and day care. Those are the only times I’m not cool.
So cute! Your kids sound adorable!
Oh, your little ones are so stinkin’ cute! My Q is a momma’s boy like Zane. Melts my heart some days, drives me batty on others. I’ll have a good laugh to link up next week. My almost-16 MO beatboxes. Daddy taught him that. 🙂
Hahah aww, they sound so cute. My daughter would get mad if I mixed up princesses too lol.
I would secretly love that too!! Liam is not a cuddly boy, and it is not from my lack of trying lol maybe I am over affectionate and he is rebelling?
Cute post, I always love to read about your kiddos Melissa and how on earth could you get the princess’s mixed up!! 😉
My baby is a Mommy’s girl as well. It makes my mother-in-law so mad!! 🙂 It’s probably a good thing she only sees her a couple of times a year. You had better start studying those princesses so you don’t make the same mistake twice!
Wow, the last one sounds like my son. He has gotten a little better as he has gotten older, but still mommas boy! That is great that she likes the water now. I really want to get my son in swim lessons! I can’t believe you could ever get the princesses mixed up….that sounds like something my niece would say! 15 months is such a fun age! Yeah, I think you will double check the alarm clock next time. Great laughs!