Memorial Day weekend! Any fun plans?? We are going to be with my parents all weekend and hopefully will enjoy the start of pool season- wahoo! I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
As always, come link up any funny/cute/top five laugh post. Please do not link up posts, that do not fall into these categories. If you like please grab my button, as well as helping me promote on social media sites. This is not mandatory though, just appreciated.
Now for my laughs:
5. Hayley has no clue of days. She thinks everything is tomorrow or yesterday. When someone asked her when she got back from Hawaii, she replies, “We got back yesterday.”
4. Zane and his pacifier!! I accidently misplaced his pacifier on Tuesday and I lost the other one last week. I had all intents to go out to replace the one I lost last week, but never got around to it. Anyway, since we were down to zero pacifier, I tried my best to rock him and put him to sleep. He would not have it! He slept 1 hour that night and cried if I was not holding him. I think we are in a bit of trouble when we finally break him of that habit.
3. Zane loves food! Although I have to be very careful with his food allergies, I try to make the best of it and try all different types of foods. This week was soybean butter and he squealed when he had it. The rest of the family hates it so we designated it Zane’s jar.
2. Zane now blows kisses complete with the sound effect. It melts my heart!
1. I will admit that I am reading the Fifty Shades books. I am slighly enthralled with them. Anyway, Hayley asked me if I could read the book to her. I think not!!
Now your turn:
Cute laughs!
it is always yesterday and tomorrow with Logan too 🙂
My little jade is also addicted to her pacifier! She only gets it when she’s in her bed or sick, and we’ve been really good about restricting it to those times only her entire life. But I tell you what, she will NOT sleep without it no matter how tired she is…I’m curious how I’m going to get her over that one too. She’s 2.5 years. lol.
Great laughs! Love the blowing kisses, Wyatt does it too! We have a paci addict too, you better go buy more!! Have a great weekend!
Haha! These are so cute!! My little Jasmine does the same thing as Hayley… if it was in the past it was “yesterday”, if it’s in the future it’s “tomorrow.” 🙂 So cute.
Too cute! You should get a video of Zane blowing those kisses. It would be the best memory! And, if Hayley can’t read those books, perhaps I shouldn’t either!:)
Great laughs! Have an awesome weekend. We are going to NJ!
Awww Poor Z! It’s tough to quit the pacifier cold turkey. He made up for his fussy night with those precious kisses! Love him! And Hayley cracks me up! too cute 🙂
Blowing kisses is so cute! Wolf Prince can’t get the sound down. I’m allergic to peanuts, and our favorite substitute is sunflower seed butter. My husband claims it is very close to peanut butter. I stick with SunButter brand since the company is entirely peanut free. It’s usually in the same area as other substitutes. I was not a fan of soybean butter at all. I’m only willing to use that as a substitute in baking. We don’t know if Wolf Prince is allergic. We’ve entirely avoided it so far for him.
Hopefully this coming week I will be back with ya’ll.
We miss you!
I get a lot of guff over only having two of the only kind of pacifier the baby likes, so I can relate to how tough it is when they’re both lost (happens more than I care to admit). 😉
Love #5, I think they all go through that stage. Now, my 4 year old picks a random day to be stuck on. Currently, everything happens on Saturday. We might need to buy Bailey her own tub of soybean butter too! She can’t have milk at this point… Cute!
I love these!! Such cute sounding kids!
So sorry I linked up and then realized I didn’t follow the rules! Last week I thought it could be anything funny, not just 5 things involving kids. I’;ll be back when I can play by the rules, like a good girl! 🙂
love the laughs! Your kids are too darn cute!
Haha- I love how everything is either yesterday or tomorrow. I wish my life could be like that: What? It’s only Monday? That’s okay it’s the weekend tomorrow!
I laughed out loud about Hayley asking you to read her 50 Shades of Grey…omygoodness, not for another 25 years! 😉
I bet Zane is adorable as ever blowing kisses!
Thanks for always making me smile, Melissa!
Have a wonderful day!
My 4 year old always asks me what the day is. I said “It’s Tuesday.” and he’ll say “Nooooo, what’s the number?” I don’t know why exactly he needs to know it’s the 29th but he does it all the time.
You kids are so adorable!
#2 is so sweet!
It was sort of family and friends with a nice meal and plenty of refreshments!