Champion for Kids is a wonderful organization that works with people who want to spend their charitable time donating to improve millions of lives of children within America and beyond. Their goal is to help roughly 20 million children by 2020. The way it works is each month they come up with a SIMPLE Service Project that incorporates various charitable organizations and people like us, to help out children worldwide. The SIMPLE Service Project for April is the Odwalla Game Challenge and I am delighted that I will be aiding in the challenge to help children.
Before I begin to tell exactly what I will be doing with the Odwalla Game Challenge, I thought I would give you a little background on why I want to become involved. As most of you know, I am a kids dentist. After graduating dental school, I decided to work at a high end practice in Boston, MA. While I liked it, I never felt fulfilled. I felt something was lacking and I couldn’t quite pinpoint it. While delving further into what I really wanted to do, I realized the natural course for me, was to start working in community dentistry. I love kids and love helping everyone, but more importantly, I love helping kids that can’t afford basic dental care in this country. It just broke my heart when I saw a kid in my old practice who didn’t have the financial means to get all the help he/she needed. So, in 2005, I entered community dentistry and I never looked back. I work with all sorts of children but my practice focuses on those that are from a low income family- we take state insurance…we even take kids who have no insurance. You might think that it is challenging to work in an office like this and while I do say yes, it is, I will also say, I find it to be the most rewarding type of job out there. I help children on an everyday basis who might have never been able to have been treated. While people say those kids are lucky to be receiving these services, I say I am the lucky one!
When I found out about the April Simple Service project was the Odwalla Game Challenge I knew I wanted to participate. This challenge is to coordinate a sports drive for children in order to allow them to enjoy sports for the coming spring/summer months. Childhood obesity unfortunately effects 1 in 3 children and by allowing them to get the necessary physical activity, we are aiding to help get these numbers down. Did you know that 3.8 percent of elementary schools, 7.9 percent of middle schools, and 2.1 percent of high schools provide daily exercise for children? These numbers are horrifying! By participating in the Odwalla Game Challenge, I am hoping, I can take a step in the right direction to improve these numbers. Thankfully, I will be partnering with Odwalla juice, which provides all the necessary nutrients in one tasty drink. By allowing kids to get their necessary sports equipment for good outdoor exercise, along with providing kids with nutrient foods/drinks-Odwalla being a great option for a drink, we can hopefully come together to decrease childhood obesity. Think we can do it- I do!!!
My first step, was to start my organization of the sports drive. For this, I decided to look around my garage as I have a lot of used sports equipment. My dad back in the day had his own sports line, so I was fortunate enough to have lots of used sports equipment at home:
Next, I headed to Walmart because I not only wanted to purchase Odwalla juice for the kids during my sports drive, but I wanted to buy even more sports equipment. I figured having their own brand new sports equipment, would put a smile on their faces. So, I headed to Walmart to go shopping. I was going to take the kids but unfortunately they were both very sick, so I went to solo. My first stop was to do some sports shopping.
After I gathered my equipment I was going to buy in my cart, I headed to go check out the Odwalla juice section. I was so impressed with the Odwalla juice, I decided to buy them not only for the sports drive, but for my household too. With all the necessary vitamins packed into one nice, tasty bottle, how could I go wrong in purchasing Odwalla Juice.
Just take a look at the back of the bottle and you will see how many amazing this juice is. Protein, Potassium, Calcium, and Vitamin B- What more can you ask for in a drink!
Finally, I was off to my house to organize all the the sports equipment and snacks, I will be giving as part of my Champions for Kids: Odwalla Game Challenge.
Now, the easiest part of the challenge was figuring out who I am going to donate my sports equipment to and where I am going to have my sports drive. That was a very easy answer, however, you will need to continue reading in about 2 weeks time, to see the answer. For those of you, who are really anxious, I will give you a hint. I am a kids dentist in a nonprofit, low income area- HINT, HINT! I do have a full google plus story, where you can start seeing my progression of what I brought for my sports drive.
For more information on becoming involved in your own Champions for Kids Simple Projects, check out Champions for Kids. Champions for kids can also be found on Facebook and on Twitter. Why not help in the challenge of supporting the children in your local area- even if you help one child, you will be making a difference!
- I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. As always, all my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources. #CBias #SocialFabric
Great campaign! I’m sure the kids will love their new sports equipment! Nice job!
wow what an awesome campaign!!! I love sports 😉
I love the focus of this program! We need to help each other as much as we can. It kills me that so many that have the finances to do this would rather spend their money on a Mercedes SUV 🙁 I’m so happy to see Odwalla teaming up to help out. Their products taste great and are so nourishing!
Wow this sounds like a fantastic program! Fighting childhood obesity is sooooo important! As a preschool / kindergarten teacher, it breaks my heart to see unhealthy kids whose parents never feed them good-for-you, nutritional foods!
How incredibly noble of you to leave the high end dental practice to become a children’s dentist for the community. I did not know that about you and am very impressed!
Thanks for posting this and best of luck to you!
For Love of Cupcakes
Very cool. I love great causes such as this one. I’m a big supporter of fighting childhood obesity. Getting kids out to play is so important.
Um, you rock! To give back by working in community dentistry is very noble of you. I used to be involved in an organization called Project Access that provided medical, dental and Rx care to the working poor free of charge. One of the biggest obstacles was finding dental providers to participate. Thank you so much for all that you do and being a part of this campaign!!
What a great program; the kids are going to have so much fun with all the new sports equipment!
This is awesome! It always feels good to give back. My mom put me through Girl Scouts for 13 years and I was always so mad at her for it. We did a ton of charity work and now that I am an adult I am so thankful she gave me the opportunity to have those experiences. It really only takes one person to make a difference. That is so generous of you to take your talent and profession, use it for a great cause, and expect nothing back! We need more people like you in this world 🙂
Very awesome! I love Odwalla 🙂 Your story was very touching 🙂
What an awesome campaign to be a part of! I truely believe that sports and being active can do wonders for children’s self esteem and help kids build friendships. My kids are very active and I could definately see my son enjoying giving back like this!Keep up the great work!!
Thanks for having such a big heart and sharing it with just went up ANOTHER rung on my respect ladder!!
2.1 percent of US high schools provide daily exercise! Wow, what an eye opener, I agree that our children need to get off the couch. Not only do sports and outdoor activities encourage health, but a good social community and sense of confidence!
What a wonderful campaign and so inspiring!
I’ve had Odwalla juice before and it is really good! What a great thing to do for your community.
sounds like a great campaign .. I have never heard of Odwalla Juice … I will have to check it out.
That is fantastic! 🙂
That looks like a wonderful, worthy project. My boys always ask for an Odwalla drink when we go to the organic market.
What a great campaign!Thanks for sharing!
Fab campaign, just think how many kids lives it can change!!
I will definitely read your next post and see where the drive/donation will be, this looks great!
Great campaign. Making the world a better place. 🙂
What a great idea! Thanks for sharing.
A dentist AND you give back? You totally rock! I’m so excited to see where you donate the sports equipment!