I went through a ton of text books in my days! Between high school, college, dental school, and residency, I bought a ton of text books. I calculated that I spent well over $5,000 in just textbooks- that is a lot of money! I always wished their was a way I could rent the textbooks, without spending an arm and a leg in my limited savings that I had, at the time. It would have saved me so much money in the long term. Thankfully, today there is a site that does just that- it rents textbooks to help college kids with all their necessities to study. This amazing company is called CampusBookRentals.com.
You might ask the one very important question that I thought of when I first heard of this site. I am a big highlighting person- I mark up the books. This is the only way I truly can study. When I first thought of the site, I was wondering how this would work. Well great news- you can highlight the books! Isn’t that incredible! Some other perks include:
> > > -save 40-90% off of bookstore prices
> > > -free shipping both ways
> > > -flexible renting periods
> > > -we donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented
Now the next important question is- how does it work? Quite simply you go to the site and search for a book. They have thousands of textbooks so matter what you are studying at the time, they will have you covered. You can then rent the book for the whole semester, quarter, or over the summer. If you have a certain date, you want to keep it till, they will be able to accommodate you as well! It truly is fantastic. The savings over 84% will also make you happy, as it will make your pocket that much lighter.
A video that explains Campus Book Rentals:
While I truly think this is a great site, for me, the number one selling point was how they donate to Operation Smile when each textbook is rented. Being a dentist, I can tell you that this organization is truly terrific! Operation Smile is a worldwide international charity that heals children’s smiles. So many children are born with facial deformities such as cleft lip and cleft palate- every three minutes a new child is born with a cleft. With these conditions, children are unable to eat, speak, or have relationships with friends. Kids are teased because of this! Many parents can’t afford to help fix their child’s facial deformities! Luckily, Operation Smile comes in and tries to help out these parents by way of donations to help these kids get their operations they need to correct their deformities.
What a truly great organization and many thanks to Campus Book Rentals for donating each time a textbook is rented. So, what are you waiting for? Help me spread the word about renting textbooks from Campus Book Rentals!
*This is a partnered post. All my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.
what a fantastic idea! you’re right, where was this when we were in school!!
Thanks for sharing! As a student I am always looking to save on text books!
Going to check this out for the hubby he is in school FT now!
It is a great idea. It was always so disheartening to spend hundreds of dollars on a book used for a few months and then at the end of the semester, to get only $30 back or worse, find out they are not using that edition the next term… I also love that they are linked with Operation Smile 🙂