Before I had kids, I had absolutely no interest in crafting. I will fully admit it. I tried the scrapbooking thing- fail! I tried the journaling- fail! I tried making some homemade gifts for my husband-fail! I even tried making a simple hot chocolate concoction for a Christmas gift-fail! The problem was, not that I couldn’t do it, but I had zero patience to sit down and actually start a craft. The mere thought of going to the store to get all the necessary supplies gave me chills because I knew that they would end of sitting on my counter untouched. Even if I did attempt to start a craft, I would stop halfway only to find that a half finished project sat on my kitchen counter for upwards of a year.
…Then I had kids!! My daughter who is three just recently started preschool where they do crafts everyday. They take out all the necessary supplies and do a project everyday. I was so intrigued by what she was doing in school, I decided that I was going to start making crafting a part of our weekly routine. Well, it ended up, that we now do a craft every night! It doesn’t have to be a big craft but the smile on her face when she did something by “herself”- makes me gitty with delight.
We can go to the craft store or we can order the craft supplies online at Factory Direct Craft. We order all different crafting supplies. We get glue sticks, cotton, tongue depressors, twine, jewelry, stickers, paper, markers, felt, and may more products. Each week, I put together a different crafting box that consists of the project we are going to do for the week. Basically, I get a regular box and just refill with different crafting supplies. Some weeks, I do not have a particular craft in mind but Hayley will come with her own ideas. Simply amazing what she can come up for ideas.
Just yesterday, we opened up the craft box, and she told me she wanted to make mommy, daddy, and baby Zane, out of popsicles. So off she went trying to glue all the sticks together and then we added on sticks for the body parts. At the end, she put on her little eyes, nose, and mouth, and she said she made our family. I couldn’t have been happier. My three year depicted our family out of simple sticks. When her daddy came home, she presented her family to him. He was elated that she came up with such a great craft.
I have to say, I now LOVE doing crafts. I developed my love from watching my daughter get so excited doing them. I now scrapbook and I am loving it. I also made Hayley her own mini Christmas tree this year. I find crafting to be so pleasurable and soothing. It is easy…It is inexpensive..It is fun! I suggest checking out some of the great crafting blogs out there to get some great ideas. Pick up some (crafting supplies) and have fun!! My next learn to sew.
*This is a partnered post brought to you by Factory Direct. This post was written by me and all my opinions are my own. All my opinions are not swayed by outside sources.

That is the thing I struggled the most with when my kids were younger ~ CRAFTS! I don't do them, so having to come up with something for them to do was beyond me. Thankfully the did them at church and some classes they attended! Good job spending time with your daughter that way. Creating memories that will last a lifetime!
I hear you! No talent here! But out of fun and Love I enjoy these type crafts with my grand daughter. We made tye dye t-shirts for xmas as gifts (What a mess) but fun. I like this site and will keep it in mind when I attempt my next project with her. Thank you for the info.
It's funny how much kids love crafts – they can really turn around a rough day, you know?
I "want" to be crafty, and I'm pretty good at it, but I just don't have the patience. I've done a few things with my boy, but I wish I was as crafty as the crafty bloggers.
I love crafting with kids {though I used to be a preschool teacher so that might be why}. My favorite thing is to put an assortment of supplies on the table and see what they make. Keeps them busy for a while!
I love crafting. I have way too many supplies that I will probably never use in my lifetime but it is so much fun!
That's so awesome! I can't wait to do crafts with my son. I have my grandmothers sewing machine and I still haven't broken it out. I need to buy a book to remember how to sew. Good luck!
I go through spurts… I'll be really crafty for a few weeks and then not again for months… glad you've found your crafting niche!
good to know – I never make it to the store but this might be good to look up some ideas after teh kids are in bed and order some stuff!
I was the same way. I didn't really craft much before kids… they totally bring out the creativeness in you!
I agree with Heather, I go through spurts too…but overall, I think I am pretty crafty!!
LoL ditto I have never been into crafts. I've failed miserably trying it many times. Once I did an oil painted it turned out great and I never found the patience to do it again. Granted painting is art not really crafts but nontheless I have zero patience for it.
I dont' have children and none on the way so I think the craft thing for me will be an eternal fail.
Nice to see you enjoying your family time.
Kevin 🙂
Hi Melissa,
I have enjoyed doing a variety of craft over the years especially with my twin sister Janine. I really need to find time to do some more in the near future. I note that you are having a wonderful time crafting with Hayley. Take care and I wish you and your family a great week.
I wonder if part of my problem with crafts is like you described- lack of patience to actually sit down and do it. See, I love the whole concept of crafts. I get the ideas in my head (or see them on other sites), I bookmark or pin them, I even think about going out and getting the stuff for them. But that's as far as I get. I'm horrible with the follow through. I also get frustrated because my crafts never look like the pictures. I really wish I was more crafty. I'm glad you managed to get into the swing of it though! Maybe there is hope for me yet!
Oh, we love doing crafts at our house. we dabble in a bunch of different ones. i'm going to check out this site, would love to find everything we need at one spot 🙂
OHH! Lets learn to sew together! I love crafting, just wish I had more time. Since G is still so young, I look forward to when we can create something together! 🙂
Sounds like you have a budding little artist in the house full of creativity and very smart to figure out how to use the Popsicle sticks in order to make her family. Would love to see some of her artwork.
I used to craft all the time but haven't in years.
Actually I think it would be fun to have a Pinterest Board devoted to pins of art work and writing by little kids.
I think ordering Craft supplies online would be the best as long as the put all the info on from the package onto the website. I need all this info to decide sometimes.
Crafting sounds like fun. Our Walmart revamped the store and took out most of the craft supplies. The next place to get craft materials is over an hour away now. This sounds great. I just never thought of ordering online before. It's time to start crafting again.
I was the same as you! 🙂 I would feel so overwhelmed in the stores and beginning a project! A lot of my friends are crafty and have made me appreciate it so much more!
How adorable…Hayley so excited to show her dad!
I hope that everyone is feeling better and that you got some much deserved sleep this weekend!
Have a wonderful night, Melissa!
I love to craft….its just finding the time to be able to do it!
My crafting journey is the same! I never do it anymore as a busy mama!
Crafting is one of those things that I wish I could do more – I see other people's crafty things on pinterest and I get so jealous! LOL
I love making things! I can't wait until G is big enough to do crafts 🙂
Oh I love crafty people, I am too disorganized and not very talented with it. I do follow instructions well lol
I am not too crafty but I am forced to do it for Girl Scouts! =)
Thank you for sharing – great info!
You are too cute! I'm so, so going to have to check out this site. I say every week that I'm going to go to the store, and never do!
I can't wait until I have kids to do crafts with! Our niece is going to spend the night on Friday and she asked if we can do crafts. I am so excited for it, I have a ton of ideas cycling through my head. = )
Pinterest has made me crave crafting and I am totally not a DIY type of person. Thanks for sharing info about this website I will have to check it out. Now if only I could learn to sew…lol. During student teaching, etc. I learned a lot about crafts and kids and how just little things can be turned in to fun projects that engage and teach. Doesn't have to be elaborate and crazy. I love that your daughter wanted to make your family out of craft sticks. Too cute!
This is so sweet! I too, was never ever crafty, and since Gwen AND Pinterest came into my life, I am trying to get the hang of it!
I need a guide book for this…b/c when my little one gets bigger I want to do crafts but I'm not that creative!
J loves crafts too…I've started trying to incorporate more projects into our routine. It definitely makes it worth it when you see how happy they are doing crafts 😉
That is so great that you have gotten back into crafting and that you have more patience now, kids will do that to you, lol.
Here from the Alexa Drop Hop, please return the love 🙂
I need to check out this site. We love crafting, but just don't do it enough.
I'm th opposite. I love to craft, have no time to do it and have 3 boys who couldn't care less.
Sounds like so much fun- and I love how it comes!
It sounds like you both had a ton of fun!!!!
I love to craft! I don't get to quite as often as I would like. 🙂 Glad you found something you like to do!
I love to crochet, I've made throws & scarfs, guess I could make some money on them, but I always give them away, but it makes me feel good to give them to family & friends. Thanks for the information.