Tell me if you want the gift card or amazon credit
$20 Starbucks Gift Card 4-Hour FLASH Giveaway
$20 Starbucks Gift Card 4-Hour FLASH Giveaway
A few AWESOME Bloggers have teamed up to give you this wonderful $20 Starbucks GC! We believe in quick, small, and easy giveaways! Our giveaways only have a FEW entries to fill out (11 or under) and you will know if you WIN in just a couple of hours! WHAT FUN! Good luck on tonight’s giveaway! See you back on Friday for MORE great FLASH giveaways!
Here are our WONDERFUL participating sites for this evening’s 4-Hour FLASH Giveaway!! Check out these awesome sites when you have time!
*NOTE: You can choose PayPal or Amazon in substitution of the Target Gift Card if need be.
Penny Pincher Jenny

Tazo passion iced tea lemonade!
I love caramel machiato (non fat!)
I love the Vanilla Bean Frapp 🙂
I adore the seasonal peppermint mocha! The rest of the year I just go with the caramel latte. 🙂
I love a non-fat latte served in a large, round porcelin cup. It tastes better in a real cup. (I'd love to have PayPal cash instead if you are asking.)
I like the Hot Chocolate. LOL
I love plain old hot chocolate.
LesGalloway—at—Hotmail .d.o.t. com
I love the vanilla frap!
I love their green tea fraps!
pumpkin latte
ice blended
caramel machiato
marygardner49 at aol dot com
My favorite thing to order is a iced mocha…don't get them very often but I love them 🙂
my favorite thing to order is caramel apple spice in the fall/winter and white chocolate mocha frappuccino during spring/summer 🙂
I;m always a sucker for hot chocolate!
I love the white chocolate caramle mocha iced frape Tiffany Dawn Godat-Meyer