*I worked with Melting Pot on this promotion. Compensation was received. All opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.*
TOMORROW is National Cheese Fondue Day! OH YUM!!! There is nothing better than cheese and especially the various fondue cheeses at the Melting Pot. Do you agree?!
In celebration for National Cheese Fondue Day, The Melting Pot will be offering Grand Cru Surchoix, which is Emmi Roth’s 2016 World Championship Cheese, in fondue form! Perfect for the cheese aficionados of the world, the Grand Cru Surchoix is a mellow alpine cheese aged for nine months and winner of the 2016 World Championship Cheese Contest. The first American cheese maker to win the award in almost 30 years, Emmi Roth USA combined the finest milk from family farms in southern Wisconsin and crafted the award-winning cheese in authentic copper vats. The careful crafting brings out light floral notes, nutty undertones, a hint of fruitiness and a full-flavored finish.
With cheese consumption on the rise in the U.S., National Cheese Fondue Day is the perfect day to celebrate The Melting Pot’s limited edition World Champion Cheese Fondue, a blend of the nine-month aged World Champion Roth Grand Cru Surchoix alpine cheese, white wine, shallots, Dijon mustard and scallions. The Championship Cheese Fondue will be available for $4.11 — get it, $4.11 on 4/11. That is right! Only $4.11 on 4/11! A total steal if you ask me!
In addition to the World Champion Cheese Fondue, The Melting Pot is bringing back customer-favorite, award-winning beverages and a special four-course menu. The award-winning spring beverages are crafted and specially selected to accompany the spring menu. Beverages include Saloon Sour, Summertime Sipper, Lively Lemon Shandy, Mezzacorona Pinot Grigio and Belle Ambiance Pinot Noir. The four-course menu includes the World Champion Cheese Fondue, a house salad, Classic Entrée and Flaming Turtle chocolate fondue. The Melting Pot’s communal fondue dining experience allows for up to four individual portions of cheese fondue to be shared in one fondue pot. Each cheese fondue is served with artisan bread and seasonal vegetables for dipping.
WIN IT: One winner will receive a $100 Melting Pot Gift Card. This giveaway is run via rafflecopter so click read more to see the actual giveaway. The only mandatory entry is to watch the video above and tell me what you learned in the comment section proceeding this post. While the other entries are optional, I highly suggest filling it out to increase your chances of winning. US only. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This is a 9-month process and is from farms in WI. They use copper vats to create a unique flavor. I just wanted to grab that piece of cheese he was sampling and pop it in my mouth. Made it look so yummy!
Top Quality products made Fresh!
LOVE Melting Pot!! I do some “dates” with my kids there, in addition to date night with hubby!!
Also, I learned from the video that I love cheese from this place now MORE than ever LOL!
World-class fondue starts with world-championship cheese
they use copper lined vats.
I learned that there is a 9 month aging process for the cheese.
Copper lined pots.
i learned it is 9 momth process and comes from cows in Wisconsin!
Lover the fact that they taste the cheese once a week to make sure it is great.
The taste testers taste the cheese weekly throughout the 9 month aging process.
looks like they only use the best quality products
love the coper lined pans and the fresh ingredients
I learned that their cheese has a 9 month aging process from made from dairy from family farms in Wisconsin.
I never heard of this place. So cool! I learned that there is a 9 month aging process for the cheese.
The dairy comes from family run farms in Wisconsin and it’s aged for 9 months.
I love that The Melting Pot is using FRESH ingredients! I have never ate there, looks amazing!
I learned that copper vats and 9 months aging makes delicious cheese!
I learned the cows are from wisconsin , so american made cheese.
I love The Melting Pot! I learned the cheese goes through a 9 month aging process.
Who knew the vat had to be lined in copper? Wow!
I learned that it takes quality milk from family farmers in southern winsconsin and authentic copper lined vats create a select flavor profle. I also leaned it takes a love of cheese because cellar masters taste the cheese weekly through the 9 month aging process!
I watched them take a sample out of the middle of a wheel of cheese to test the taste of it.
I learned the world championship cheese made me drool on my computer. 🙂
I didn’t know they have their own cheese masters who taste the aging cheese or that they have special pots that perfect the cooking process. No wonder they have such a good product.
They use cheese from Wisconsin that’s been aged 9 months.
I learned that the cheese is made in southern Wisconsin in copper pots. I also learned the use quality milk.
I leaned they use a 9 month ageing process and test weekly
Fresh milk is what makes a quality cheese.
I learned that they use copper-lined vats the enhance the flavor profile
I learned that Cellar Masters taste the cheese weekly throughout the 9 month aging process.
9 months! wow. I love farm fresh ingredients!
I learned it takes 9 months to age and they use copper vats.
The vats used are copper lines and the cheese is aged for 9 months
cellar masters taste the cheese weekly! (the whole 9 months)
I found that the Melting Pot uses cheese that comes from family dairy farms in southern Wisconsin. I didn’t realize it was a Roth company. I was just looking up information on them yesterday, since one of their products took top international honors last year (and I’m wanting desperately to get my hands on some of that cheese). My nephew and his family live in Monroe, WI, so I’m wanting to take a tour and do some shopping at the Roth location there the next time we visit them. We are big cheese eaters at our house.
The dairy comes from family run farms in Wisconsin and it’s aged for 9 month. The family use cooper vat to make the cheese.
In the video I learned it’s a 9 month process and comes from cows in Wisconsin!
I liked the video but was especially intrigued on the way they used a contraption to pull cheese out from the middle to taste test.
Like the cooper lined pans
I learned that they age the cheese for nine months
I learned its a 9 month aging process to make the cheese.
i learned the best cheese comes from wisconsin it is ymmy
Cellar masters test the cheese weekly!
They use copper lined vats to produce a high quality product with a unique taste.
It takes 9 months for the cheese to age.
I learned that Cellar masters taste the cheese weekly.
they use copper vats
I learned they use special copper lined vats and taste the cheese weekly!
I learned that the milk for their cheese comes from family farms in Wisconsin.
Copper lined vats
I learned that cellar masters test the cheese once a week.
Yummy! I am definitely obsessed with cheese, lol. Surprisingly though, I have never had fondue! I love that they taste the cheese throughout the 9 month aging process. 🙂
That it’s a 9 month process and they use copper pots!
I learned that there is a 9 month aging process for the cheese.
The cheese is aged for 9 months.
I didn’t realize that certain tools were used to taste test the cheese.
I had no idea they have cheese testers!
I learned that they sample and taste the cheese weekly.
I learned that tasters taste the cheese weekly throughout the 9 month aging process. I learned that the milk to make the cheese comes from farms in Wisconsin. I also learned they use copper vats to create each single flavor..
I learned the vat has to be lined in copper.
I learned that it takes 9 months to have the perfect cheese! Wow! That’s like having a baby!
I learned they use all fresh and natural ingredients in all of their foods. I have never eaten here but would like to now after seeing the video.
I learned that the cheese masters test the cheese weekly. (How can I get that job??)
I learned that there is a 9 month aging process for the cheese.
I learned the the vats were lined with copper. I had no idea.
I learned that they get their cheese from Wisconsin, one of my very favorite places to visit!
There is a 9 month aging process for the cheese.
I learned that this cheese is aged for 9 months! It makes me hungry watching the video! It looks delicious 🙂
They use copper lined pots
I didn’t know that the cheese gets tested weekly throughout the 9 month aging process.
Cheese go through a 9-month aging process
I learned that the vats are lined with copper.
I learned there is a 9 month aging process
World-class fondue starts with world-championship cheese
I learned that there is a 9 month aging process for the cheese and that they taste it every week through the process
I learned aging the cheese for 9 month makes it extra delicious.
It is a 9 month process and I love that they use farm dairy using trustworthy local farmers.
I learned that they use copper-lined vats.
They age the cheese for 9 months! no wonder it’s so delicious! I always go there for my birthday every year.
I learned ” World-class fondue starts with world-championship cheese”
I learned that the milk they use to make cheese is from South Eastern Wisconsin which is where I grew up!
I learned that they use copper lined vats. Thank you!
I learned that it is a none month process for the cheese to age.
Their cheese ages for 9 months.
Thanks for the contest.
copper lined vats help with flavor
I learned that cellar masters tasted 9-month cheese, what a cool job to have!
I love the melting pot. I love them even more after watching this video. I learned that they use fresh ingredients and that the cheese ages for 9months
they use copper lined vats.
The cheese goes through a 9 month aging process .
I learned that I am hungry for some ooey gooey melted cheese and that taste testers taste the cheese weekly through a 9 month period of aging the cheeses…yum!.
I learned that cellar masters taste the cheese weekly. I would love to have that job!
I love that they use cheese from family owned farms in Wisconsin!
They taste test the cheese once a week.
I was surprised about the nine month process. That is truly dedication to producing a quality product! Thanks for the informative video and the awesome giveaway opportunity!
I learned that the cheese makers use copper lined vats.
Wow! I learned this is a nine month process!
They taste the cheese once a week
The cheese goes through a 9 month aging process.
American made!
I learned they use cheese from Wisconsin that has been aged 9 months.
Cellar masters test the cheese weekly during the aging process. I want that job! 🙂 I love cheese and I love The Melting Pot! I would really like to win! ♡
I learned it takes 9 whole months for the cheese to AGE! Woah.
I learned that Cellar Masters taste the cheese weekly throughout the 9 month aging process.
The cheese is aged 9 months.
It takes quality milk from family farms in Wisconsin to make the best fondue!
Love that the ingredients are so good!
Top quality produce!
I learned they use milk from family farms in the US (Wisconsin)
9 months to process the cheese? That’s impressive!
I thought it was neat hearing how and how-often they taste the cheese as its aging.
I learned that the Melting pot uses high quality ingredients and it takes a team of professionals to make sure the ingredients are at the highest quality.
Copper lined bats are part of the process
I keep closing the page and video – UGH –
The best thing I have learned is I want the job as a cheese tester – YUM. Love the freshness statement.
First of all I have been to the Melting Pot and it is fabulous. I learned from the video that it takes quality milk, copper lined pans and 9 months aging to make the wonderful cheese
I like that they use milk from family farms!
They use fresh ingredients and they have a 9 month aging process
I love that they use Wisconsin cheese! I might be biased, but I think we have the best cheese. We are the dairy state after all. I love cheese fondue, and this would be perfect to celebrate our anniversary coming up!
9 Month aging process! Thanks for the chance to win!
They use cheese from Wisconsin! woohoo 🙂
To have great fondue…you must first start with great, quality cheese!
I had no idea before that their cheese came from Wisconsin…but that makes sense since Melting Pot cheese always seems so fresh!
I learned that they use copper pots.
I learned that they use copper lined vats to contribute to their distinctive taste.
copper lined vats? never would have guessed
They use copper-lined vats to make their cheese
I learned that authentic copper lined vats create a select flavor profile. Thanks!
I love the quality of milk from the farm in Wisconsin to the care the and taste tester done by the curator to create the cheese for the fondue at the melting pot.
I learned that tasters taste the cheese weekly throughout the 9 month aging process. I learned that the milk to make the cheese comes from farms in Wisconsin. I also learned they use copper vats to create each single flavor..
I learned that the cheese they use comes from family farms in Wisconsin. That cheese tasting job must be great!
I learned the cows are from Wisconsin!!!
I learned they taste it every week for nine months, holy moley!
The cheese comes all the way from Wisconsin.
I had no idea that they use cheese from family run farms!
I learned about the 9 month aging process. I have never been to melting pot.
It takes 9 months before the cheese is ready.
Cellar Masters taste the cheese weekly (yum!). I wonder if they get tired of eating cheese? LOL
It takes 9 months to age
I loved learning how they age it for long months and check it regularly. I love how they use cheese from family run farms.
I learned you need to use world class cheese to make world class fondue
I learned that the cheese comes from family farms in Wisconsin – which is really cool – and that it goes through a 9-month aging process!
I learned that the aging process for the cheese is 9 months, and that they taste it regularly until perfect. That’s a job I’d love to have!
I learned about family farming!
I learned that there is a 9 month aging process for the cheese.
Lots of good information, but mostly my eyeballs were on the delicious looking food. Yum! I learned that I want to go right now!Thanks for a great giveaway. 🙂
I learned that it takes 9 months of fasting to get the perfect cheese
I learned that they let the cheese age for 9 months.
I learned that the process begins in Wisconsin starting with the cows
That the process starts in wisconsin with the cows
The cheese is aged for 9 months.
They are fresh and Top quality which i love! Never been there but would love to!
That they taste the cheese at it ages
I learned they taste the cheese weekly throughout the 9 months. Can I get that job?!
I learned that it was a 9 month process to age the cheese to perfection!
The nine month aging process was interesting to me. We love the Melting Pot. My husband took me there for one of our first dates 15 years ago!
I learned the workers taste the cheese weekly.
It takes 9 months to make the cheese!
I’ve never been to The Melting Pot, but I want to try it- would make a great date night dinner.
i learned that the world class cheese makes world class fondue, it’s a long 9 month process and it’s so delicious
World-class fondue starts with world-championship cheese
I learned that the cellar masters taste the cheese weekly.
I learned that cellar masters taste the cheese weekly.
The cheese is aged for 9 months.
i learned cheese takes a long time to cook!
The copper lined vats contribute to a unique flavor profile. And the aging process … important.
the cheese starts in Wisconsin!
The cheese is tasted weekly by cellar masters.
I didn’t know they used copper pots. I love copper!
World championship cheese starts it all! Thanks so much for the chances to win.
I learned that there is a 9 month aging process for the cheese.
There is such a thing a world championship cheese.
I learned they use copper lined vats and an aging process.
I learned that world class fondue begins with world championship cheese
I learned they taste and melt the cheese weekly!
Family Farms is located in Wisconsin.
I learned to have exceptional cheese fondue you have to start with quality milk and special copper lined vats that impart certain flavors and people who love cheese to care for the finished product as it ages.
i learned making cheese is a 9 month process and comes from dairy cows in Wisconsin!
The cheese is aged 9 months and they taste the cheese on a regular basis to make sure it is ready
That Melting Pot uses cheese from southern Wisconsin.
“Cellar Masters Taste The Cheese Weekly” which I assume guarantees that the product continues to pass the company’s quality test.
Use vats lined with copper.
9 month cheese process.
I learned there’s a 9 month aging process on the cheese.
I learned the cheese has a 9 month aging processs
I learned they have a 9 month cheese aging process to produce high quality cheese.
I learned that they use copper vats to impact the flavor and they age their cheese nine months
We have never been to the Melting Pot, but I have always wanted to. My husband always made fun of the cheese, saying it was probably Velveeta! I like that they know where the cheese, aged nine months, comes from, I mean, which farms they come from! Amazing! Also, I would like to apply for the cheese tasting job.
The video made me want to change jobs and work with cheese! I love that they use high quality ingredients.
they use cheese from wisconsin that has been aged 9 mo.
I learned that the cheese goes through a 9-month aging process.
I have learned that it takes 9 months to age.
I learned that there is a 9 month aging process for the cheese.
The cheese goes through a 9 month aging process .
I learned that they taste the cheese weekly
hey use fresh ingredients and age the cheese for 9 months for the best quality
They use copper lined vats for flavor. Also, the aging process is 9 months.
They test the cheese weekly for 9 months while it’s aging. What a job!
Just want to let you know I signed up for the new email list, but it’s impossible to tell if it really works. So, I either just signed up 3 – 4 times, or not at all?
Not sure?
I learned that there is a NINE MONTH aging process! Whaa?!
special lined vats.
I learned that they use copper lined pots and tasted it often throughout the process of aging.
I learned their cheese is aged for 9 months.
I learned that it is a time consuming process!
I learned there is an aging process that lasts nine months for the cheese.
I learned that the cheese is made from high quality milk that comes from family farms in Wisconsin.
world-championship cheese makes the best fondue
They are located in Wisconsin.
wow I’ve never been to this restaurant and the video prompted me to do a search and yay! there is one about an hour’s drive away…so I look forward to trying it out!
Kathryn C
First thing I learned is that I am now craving melting pot cheese or just cheese in general. The second I learned is that the cheese is aged for 9 months and tested weekly.
The cheese is tasted weekly.
The copper lined vats give a unique flavor. The cheese is from Wisconsin…mooooo! 🙂 I’ve always wanted to a melting pot, closest thing I’ve had to fondue is melting chocolate at home…lol
I learned that the fresher the mlk the bettr quality the cheese is.
I learned their cheese is aged for nine months.
I learned that they use cooper lined vats!