**I felt the magic of SAM with Poise® Microliners as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars #LifesLittleLeaks. All opinions are my own.**
My little lady just turned 5 months old and is my main squeeze in life these days. She is just the cutest little person and she has this momma wrapped around her fingers. While I love her to pieces, boy things certainly have changed since having her in all different ways! First off, you can never guess what I asked for in my Christmas Stocking this year. I kid you not, I asked for Poise Microliners. If you are wondering why…keep reading!
Ladies I am writing this now to spare you for the little surprise that I learned the hard way about life after babies. I’ve been trying to get back in shape since giving birth to Taylor this past summer, so I joined a gym. So, there I was in TBT (total body fitness) class when the instructor barked at us to start doing jumping jacks. Thinking nothing of it I started jumping up and down, waving my arms, and then it happened! I peed my pants! OK, so I’m exaggerating, I leaked just the tiniest little bit really, but I was horrified! That had never happened to me before, and it really caught me by surprise! Can you relate?!
I’ve come to find out that 1 out of 3 women experience light bladder leakage (LBL). Who knew!?! And who knew that I would be the 1 out of the 3! I asked other friends about it, and they were all like “oh, yeah, you hadn’t heard about that?”! No! No one ever happened to mention that I might want to take it easy on the jumping jacks, or take care when I cough. It would have been nice to know! That’s why I am sharing this private little detail with you, my readers.
I know you will appreciate knowing what to expect, as opposed to being taken completely by surprise, and unprepared, as I was. Since then, while watching the hilarious movie Bridesmaids, I’ve come to learn the true meaning of the phrase “I was laughing so hard I peed my pants.” I’ve learned that full on jumping jacks are no longer an option, nor are my usual dance moves to the song “Jump” where I jump up and down to the beat. Yes, things have changed a little bit in the lady department down there, but I know bladder leaks are common in women, and the new Poise Microliner has become my new BFF.
Poise Microliner is the thinnest liner available! I mean, come on, there is no need to feel like you are wearing a diaper as you go about your daily routine! The Poise Microliner is so thin I don’t even notice when I wear one. I can carry on worry free, without worrying about cracking up with my girlfriends, or laughing with my kids over something silly. The SAM (Super Absorbent Material) in Poise® helps me feel protected all day long so that I can continue to live life in my usual full and fearless way. Sure I still squeeze my thighs together a little tighter every time I sneeze these days, and I still love to dance like crazy at a party, I’ve just modified my dance moves a little bit. Now that I have the discreet security of Poise behind me, I really can do anything without worrying about LBL. Poise has got my back, and that is the most important thing for a BFF to have.
I can totally understand! As a momma of 3 LARGE babies, I’m going to be an avid user soon lol
I don’t have leakage issues, but there is a whole group of moms in my zumba class who do & there is always a collective sigh when a song with jumps comes on!
Poise is fantastic I love the panty liners. Have used them for a long while now!
Never had children and to be honest is is things like this that freak me out a little but I guess seeing how well you are coping and the fact there are things like this out there to help is a great thing.
My sister is a big Poise user. She had two pregnancies and two natural births, and her urethra has never been the same…
Cool very handy and good to see coming out with new stuff.
Poise is great for those moments! I love keeping them on hand!
I’ve heard these work very well for all those little surprises. I actually use them to line my dog’s diapers so I don’t have to wash their diapers so often.
As woman get older-even if they haven’t had children–LBL happens. I definitely am going to try Poise brand-I like that they are THIN.
Wonderful product. Great review 🙂
What an amazing little product, you never know when an accident might happen; this is a great review!
Because it’s so discreet, there’s no reason why anyone should be embarrassed about wearing Poise. They’re so thin!
It’s always great to be ready, and this product must have on every houses and bag. Thank you for the review.
My bladder control has never been the same since I had my youngest. I can’t even tell you how many times Poise Microliners have saved me from embarrassment!
I did have some leakage issues couple of months after my daughter was born, but haven’t had them for a long time now. I’m sure I’ll need Poise in the future, when I’m older 😀
I can sure relate to the leakage issue when I was pregnant. Funny how no one ever mentions that little side effect of pregnancy!
I can totally relate to this and have leaked while doing some moderate to high excersizes. Sometimes its inevitable but thank goodness their are products like Poise out there!
Love your honesty! I love reading something that is just from the heart – and I’ve heard so many friends having the same issue! Thank you for being brave!
Love your review! I love these Poise liners and use them when I exercise.
You never know when you will need them. They are good to have on hand.
I love your post. Their products are really great.
Awesome post indeed. I love using Poises because they are tiny and hold so much. Thanks for sharing.