It is very simple to buy 4 X Pro-B Probiotics. Simply buy it online at Costco with the click of your mouse. It is so easy to do and so beneficial to your health. I love shopping online and nothing makes me happier than buying products that will help me now and in the future.

I have heard so many great reports about Probiotics! I need to give it a try. Thanks!
great stuff! 🙂
Thank you for sharing!!! Going to add probiotics to my next shopping list!!!
My doctor recently talked to me about probiotics, I just haven't had the chance to pick any up yet. What an insightful post – thank you!
I have noticed my digestion doesn't move!'s probably due to getting older, I had no idea what probiotics was actually, so this really helped me. Thanks for the review and great pics!
Good for you! You've inspired me to work out this week and eat healthier. I take probiotics already and it's made a difference. Thanks for the great post!
I am having the same issues with digestive heath. I am SO glad that you shared this with me. What an easy step to get things under control and working as they should. I am 40 and I definitely have to think about my future health as well. THANKS Again!
jenny at dapperhouse
Thanks for sharing — I can so relate with you on a lot of this.
P.s. I love your pictures! 🙂
i am *finally* on the same mindset. to get healthy & start exercising & eating better. i need to check into those pills. anything to keep things moving (ahem) 😉 is good for me!!!
have a super day.
I love that you have such a healthy lifestyle!! I need to follow your lead and do more to get healthy. I used to take probiotics daily but fell out of that habit a few years ago. I need to start taking them again. They keep yeast infections at bay!
I could use probiotics. My stomach is so out of whack!
I also could use some probiotics but had a bad experience with them a while back so have been getting my probiotics from yogurt. Thanks for sharing, I may give this a try.
Truly a part of the regimen for someone looking to get back on track. Good catch on the price too!!
We use this product! LOVE IT! Thanks for the info. Costco makes it so much easier to buy too!
I take a probiotic every day and i swear it keeps me from getting colds!
Thanks for sharing. I may have to check those out. It would be nice to hear what you think one month later.
Good for you! Every little thing helps in moderation!
Sounds like you are making sure you keep yourself and your family healthy. I guess it is a good thing that I don't drink tap water all that often but it makes sense that the chlorine in it kills the good bacteria. Maybe I should bring my own water next time I go out to eat.
It has been a little while since I have taken probiotics. It is time I started up again. As for the 4X Pro-B: it is a nine week supply, and it is a good price for it. I usually take a probiotic with more strains in it, but with this economy straining my budget, this will fit into my diet just fine.
We use probiotics with Drew all the time! They help!!! Thanks for sharing!
I love that the pills are labeled for the days! I have a heck of a time remembering to take pills! Congrats on making this decision!
(Quanda) I've been reading and hearing not but good things about Probiotics. I'd be looking into the Digestive Care Natural Probiotics. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Looks like a great addition!
Looks like you are doing a great job! I need to exercise even more…
Thanks for the great info! I might need to look in to this 🙂
I have never taken a probiotic, but I think I should start. Thanks for sharing this info!
I started taking the Align and the generics (as listed above from costco) after getting an almost fatal C-Diff infection. Since I started taking the probiotic in June of last year, I have noticed a decrease in my colds, stomach "bugs" and I have noticed that when I do get a cold, it isn't as severe as everyone else in the house who refuses to take the probiotic. I do recommend everyone taking the probiotics with B. Infantis.
If you take antibiotics, the antibiotics will kill off the good bacteria in your digestive track, letting the bad bacteria (C-diff) multiply without resistance. This infection can be quite fatal if left untreated. The probiotics with B. Infantis puts the good bacteria back into your system to help keep the bad bacteria numbers where they need to be. Another thing to help when you are taking antibiotics is to eat 1-2 yogurts a day.
Wow, great job! I just started looking into adding vitamins and such to my daily routine. Will definitely check into these too! Thanks for sharing!
I've heard great things about probiotics, but I haven't tried them yet.
I'm loving these probiotics!
I have heard so many wonderful things about probiotics, I should just stop procrastinating! And… if it will make me look like you… I'm in! =)
I'm on the #digestivecare "train" too! I've been good about working out and eating better as well. 🙂
awesome job, melissa!! i really admire your dedication and drive to live a healthy lifestyle! YOU GO GIRL!!
i need to take some tips from you for sure 🙂
your eyes are so pretty!
and as always, love the nails!!
maria <3
Your post is so relatable! It is hard to eat right and take care of ourselves when we are busy taking care of the little ones in our life!
Good luck with your weight management. Looking forward to your further review of the probiatic tablets.